Terms & Conditions

Booking Live Sessions:

  • Users can book live sessions through the Fitelo app by visiting the Routine section and selecting the “Live Sessions” tab.
  • Live session bookings are subject to availability and can be made based on the user's subscription plan.

Session Selection:

  • Users can choose from various live session options such as Yoga, Exercise, or Dance.
  • The intensity level of the workout can also be selected during the booking process.

Slot Availability:

  • Users can view available slots for live sessions and confirm their bookings.
  • Slots are subject to availability and may vary based on the activity, intensity, and coach availability.

Rescheduling and Cancellations:

  • Users have the option to reschedule or cancel their booked sessions up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Rescheduling and cancellation requests are processed based on availability of slots and subject to terms defined by Fitelo.

Additional Session Purchases:

  • Core users can not purchase additional validity days for live sessions beyond their subscription period. However, they can purchase additional days during their subscription period.
  • The availability of additional sessions is subject to the user's subscription plan and Fitelo's terms and conditions.

Notifications and Confirmations:

  • Users will receive confirmation emails upon booking live sessions.
  • Reminder notifications will be sent one hour before the session start time to ensure users don't miss their sessions along with meeting details.

Technical Support:

  • In case of technical issues during live sessions, users can contact Fitelo's dedicated support team through the “Help & Support” section on the app.

Session Limitations:

  • The maximum number of attendees per live session is determined by Fitelo and may vary based on the activity and coach availability.
  • Users are encouraged to book sessions in advance to secure their slots.

Subscription Expiry:

  • Unused live session credits will expire along with the user's subscription.
  • Users are advised to utilize their live session credits before the subscription period ends.

Feedback and Suggestions:

  • Fitelo welcomes feedback and suggestions from users to improve the live session experience.
  • Users can share their feedback by emailing care@fitelo.co.

Holiday and Weekend Sessions:

  • Live sessions may not be available on Sundays and holidays as per the coach's availability.
  • Fitelo reserves the right to modify session availability based on coach schedules and public holidays.

Session Conduct:

  • Users are expected to adhere to the session guidelines and behave respectfully during live sessions.
  • Fitelo reserves the right to remove users who violate the session conduct rules.

Changes and Modifications:

  • Fitelo reserves the right to make changes to live session schedules, availability, and terms and conditions without prior notice.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I book live sessions on the Fitelo app?

You can book live sessions by visiting the Routine section and clicking on the “Live Sessions” tab. From there, you can book new sessions and also view the list of sessions already booked.

2. What options do I have to choose from during live sessions - Yoga, Exercise, or Dance?

You can choose Yoga, Exercise, or Dance when booking a session.

3. Can I select the intensity level of my workout during live sessions?

Yes, you can choose the intensity level when booking live sessions.

4. Are the workouts suitable for all the fitness levels?

Yes Absolutely, We have three levels which are for every client.

  • If you are not doing any physical activity or starting your fitness journey, you can choose “Low intensity”.
  • If you are activ in daily lifestyle and have some experience with Yoga / Exercises or Dance Fitness, you can choose “Medium Intensity”
  • If you are regular practitioner and are looking forward to some challenging workout, you can choose “High intensity”

5. How do I view available slots for live sessions and confirm my booking?

You need to select the activity and intensity before reaching the slots screen. Then, from the slot booking screen, you can choose your preferred available slot and confirm your booking.

6. What happens after I schedule a live session? Can I reschedule or cancel?

Yes, you can reschedule or cancel your scheduled slot up to 30 minutes before the start time.

7. Is it possible to book another live session after I've already scheduled one?

Yes, you can book multiple live sessions within your subscription dates.

8. As a core user, how do I access live sessions, and can I purchase more sessions?

Core users can access live sessions from the Routine section -> Live Session tab. They can book sessions for a limited duration and then purchase validity days from the app.

9. How are live sessions duration determined based on different subscription plans?

Pro users have unlimited access to live sessions throughout their subscription. Core users have limited access based on their plan and can purchase additional validity days.

10. What notifications and confirmations will I receive regarding my live session bookings?

After booking, you'll receive a confirmation email. An hour before the session, you'll receive a reminder email with the session link. You will also get app notifications on your phone regularly regarding your scheduled sessions.

11. How do I contact support for any issues related to live sessions?

Visit the ‘Help & Support’ page on the Fitelo app to connect with our dedicated support team.

12. Can I schedule live sessions for the current date or any day of the week?

Yes, you can schedule sessions for the current date or up to four days in advance, excluding Sundays and holidays.

13. What happens if I try to schedule a live session on a Sunday or a holiday?

Slots for Sundays and holidays are not available since coaches are not working on those days, preventing you from booking sessions on those dates.

14. Is there a maximum limit to the number of attendees per live session?

Yes, there's a maximum limit on attendees, and slots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

15. What should I do if I encounter technical issues during a live session?

Raise a support ticket through the ‘Help & Support’ section on the Fitelo app for assistance with technical issues during live sessions.

16. Can I join a live session late if I miss the scheduled start time?

Yes, you can join late but not after the session has ended.

17. What happens if I purchase additional live sessions but don't use them before my subscription expires?

The validity of unused live sessions expires with your subscription.

18. Is there a difference in the live sessions offered for weight management plans compared to disease management plans?

No, live sessions are the same for both weight management and disease management plans, with the only difference being the intensity levels you can choose. However, in future, Fitelo will add separate live sessions for customers with health issues.

19. How can I provide feedback or suggestions for improving the live sessions experience?

You can email your suggestions and feedback to care@fitelo.co.

20. Are there some medical conditions where I should avoid live group classes?

Sessions are segregated based on intensity levels. But still in some cases, you should contact your Doctor before joining group sessions. Such conditions are :

  • Hernia
  • Slip disc
  • Major Ulcer Conditions
  • Major injury
  • Recent surgery

21. If I miss the scheduled sessions can I still workout from the Fitelo application?

Yes, You can practice workout with guided recorded videos in Fitelo TV. There are more than 100+ Videos on Yoga, Dance & Exercises for Self Practice.

22. Will the live sessions be interactive?

Yes, in the last 10 minutes there will be a Q&A Session with the coach.