BMI Calculator for Men

A Reliable Health Tool for Modern Men


Calculate your BMI to know your health better

What is BMI Calculator?

The BMI calculator for men is a fundamental tool that makes it easy for you to understand your BMI value using your weight, height, and age. BMI Calculator gives an idea of weight status by telling whether you are underweight, average weight, overweight or obese.

BMI Formula Used for Men

The BMI formula for men is simple to use. There are a variety of BMI calculators online that can calculate your BMI by collecting data on your height, weight, age, and sex. One can calculate BMI on their own with the mathematical formula.

BMI = kg/m2

In the formula, kg is an individual's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in meters squared. The International System of Units (SI) - BMI = weight (kg)/square of the height (m2).

For example, if your weight is 75 kg and your height is 1.75 m, you have a healthy BMI of 24. 4. Using BMI, you can determine whether your weight fits your height or if you need to make some lifestyle changes.


Learn from BMI Table

For men, the BMI calculator number can be better understood in the following ranges:

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Health Risks Related to High BMI

A high BMI is defined as a BMI greater than 25. Being overweight or obese leads to various health risks in men if not maintained timely. In men, obesity can lead to the below-mentioned health problems:

  • PCOD
    Heart Conditions
  • Thyroid
  • Diabetes
    Type 2 Diabetes
  • Diabetes
    Fatty Liver Diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetes
    Gallbladder Diseases
  • Diabetes
    Fertility Issues
  • Diabetes
    Insulin Resistance
  • Diabetes
    Sleep Apnea

Ways to Maintain A Healthy BMI

Don’t give in to crash diets

Losing weight is not a quick-fix thing. Crash diets and weight loss trends do not do any good in maintaining a normal BMI for men. One may lose weight fast with these crash diets owing to dramatic eating patterns but these don’t go with a sustainable lifestyle.

Eat everything but mindfully

Many people advocate clean eating and ditching outside food options completely for a healthy lifestyle. However, one’s lifestyle should be balanced to be healthy physically and mentally. Eating everything but in moderation is the ticket to seeing better results and achieving a normal BMI range for men.

Move your body

Moving your body on a daily basis can do wonders for your health and lower your BMI. It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym instead doing brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and others are optimal practices, to begin with. Cardio and strength training can be a perfect combination that helps in losing fat.

Get the right support

Following a diet or an exercise regimen all by yourself can be a difficult and long-term process. Getting the right support can make a tough journey easy for an individual. Join Fitelo to receive the committed diet, yoga, and mind coaches who will motivate you to become a better version of yourself. Get the right support from the right professionals who can help you in losing weight smoothly.


The body mass index, BMI for men is widely used for estimating the relationship between weight and height. It is a common measurement used by health professionals to determine whether someone is underweight, normal weight, or overweight. Read More

It is not to be confused with that it doesn’t determine body fat percentage and cannot be solely reliable as an indicator of health, especially for athletes and hyper-active people. However, the BMI calculator offers insight into weight that can be helpful in preventing diseases caused due to obesity.

It is recommended to not trust BMI blindly when opting for a healthy lifestyle instead approach a dietitian who can give you a fair idea about your health. Fitelo has 500+ dieticians who have helped 35000+ clients in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Book your consultation with a Fitelo expert now.

FAQs about BMI Calculator

  • How do I calculate my BMI?

    With the BMI calculator, it is easy to calculate BMI. You need to input your height and weight to know your BMI. The formula used to calculate BMI for men and women (Adults) is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

  • What is the normal BMI for my age?

  • Is the BMI calculator a reliable measure of health?

  • How to reach a healthy BMI without leaving fast food?

  • Can gymming help me reach a healthy BMI?

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