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Updated On Apr 2024

7 Day Muscle Gain Diet Plan For Optimal Growth And Strength

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Muscle Gain Diet Plan: A 7 Day Chart For Maximum Results

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Shalini Thakur

Shalini has been crafting engaging stories, blogs, and articles that are into beauty, and fitness for the past 3 years.

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Ravneet kaur

Working here in Fitelo from 3.5 years in the weight management team.

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Are you searching for a diet plan that can help you build muscle effectively? Building muscle is not just about hitting the gym. Your diet plays a crucial role too. That’s why we’ve designed a muscle gain diet plan to guide you in consuming the right foods for building lean muscle mass.

Achieve your goal of a toned physique with our quick and effective diet plan for muscle gain. You won’t need to spend hours at the gym but just a few minutes of targeted workouts combined with this diet can make a significant difference.

Whether you aim to gain or lose weight or simply maintain overall fitness, both diet and training are essential. For optimal results in the gym, focusing on the right foods is key.

To enhance muscle gain and facilitate fat loss, it’s vital to consume the right number of calories with a well-balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

So, let’s start transforming your body today with this straightforward muscle gain diet plan for 7 days.

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Understanding The Basics Of Muscle Gain

A muscle gain diet chart is a structured nutritional strategy aimed at promoting the development of lean muscle mass through specific dietary choices. The goal is also to provide the body with the necessary nutrients for optimal muscle growth and repair.

Proteins play a pivotal role in muscle synthesis, repairing tissue damage caused by workouts. Carbohydrates provide the energy required for intense training sessions, replenishing glycogen stores in muscles.

When it comes to a mus diet chart for muscle gain, it is important to focus on consuming the right types of food. Typically, this diet emphasizes a balanced intake of macronutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. These are tailored to support the demands of strength training and exercise.

Healthy fats contribute to overall well-being and hormone production, essential for muscle-building processes. Adequate calorie intake is crucial to create a surplus that encourages muscle growth.

How Does The Mechanism Of Muscle Building Work?

Muscle building involves a complex interplay of physiological processes to promote the growth and strength of muscle tissue. The fundamental mechanism, known as hypertrophy, entails the addition of new myosin protein fibers to existing muscle cells.

This process is triggered by factors such as resistance training, metabolic stress, and proper nutrition, contributing to enhanced muscle size and function.

But what is the precise process behind muscle growth? Let’s jump into an overview.

1.   Muscle Growth: Muscles grow denser and more efficiently rather than just increasing in size.

  • Essential elements for muscle cell growth include protein synthesis, tension, metabolic stress, cellular swelling, fiber recruitment, hormonal secretions, and genetic factors.

2.  Strength: Gradually challenging yourself with greater intensity leads to strength adaptation.

  • Specifically applies to muscle growth – lifting heavier loads gradually results in hypertrophy, adding new myosin protein fibers to muscle tissue.

3.   Eat Right For Muscle Growth: Diet is crucial for successful muscle building, providing nutrients for tissue building and repair.

  • Include lean proteins (fish, chicken) and complex carbohydrates (whole grains) in each meal for energy.
  • Maintain hydration with ample water for optimal bodily function.

4.      Incorporate Neuromuscular Training: Activities involving brain-muscle coordination are essential.

  • Include dynamic stretches, deep breathing, and agility drills in your routine.
  • Activating smaller motor units enhances muscle contraction speed, leading to overall improvement.

5.      Rest Is Essential: Balancing intense workouts with proper rest prevents overexertion.

  • Effective exercise plans incorporate rest days between sessions, allowing the body to recover from strenuous workouts.

Factors That Influence Muscle Gain Diet Plan

Building muscle is a challenging yet achievable process, and understanding key factors greatly influences success:

Factors That Influence Muscle Gain Diet Plan

1. Prioritize Adequate Sleep: Getting eight hours or more of quality sleep supports faster and more consistent muscle gains.

Quality sleep aids in proper recovery from strenuous activities, a crucial aspect for optimal results.

2. Include Nutrient-Dense Foods: Consuming nutrient-rich foods, high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates, is vital for maximizing muscle gain.

These foods to gain muscle not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but also offer additional energy during workouts.

3.  Maintain Hydration: Often overlooked, staying adequately hydrated during workouts is essential for efficient muscle gain.

Proper hydration optimizes performance and facilitates faster recovery after regular workouts.

4.  Execute Proper Weight Lifting Form: Using the correct form while lifting weights is crucial for optimal muscle gain and minimizing injury risks.

Prioritizing proper form ensures safer workouts while maximizing the effectiveness of your muscle-building efforts.

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Why Nutrition Is Important In Muscle Gain Diet Plan?

Nutrition is important for muscle hypertrophy  as it directly influences the body’s ability to build, repair, and strengthen muscles. 

Besides from facilitating protein synthesis to providing energy for workouts and supporting recovery, a well-balanced diet is integral to optimizing the processes essential for effective and sustainable muscle development. Also, there are a few aspects that impact the process:

1.   Protein Synthesis: Protein is the building block of muscles. Adequate protein intake supports protein synthesis, promoting the growth and repair of muscle tissues.

2. Energy For Workouts: Carbohydrates also provide the energy required for intense workouts. Proper nutrition ensures sufficient energy levels, enhancing workout performance and endurance.

3.   Muscle Recovery: Nutrient-dense foods aid in post-exercise recovery. Essential nutrients facilitate faster healing and reduce muscle soreness after intense training sessions.

4.  Hormonal Balance: Balanced nutrition also influences hormone production. Hormones like testosterone and growth hormones, influenced by nutrition, play a pivotal role in muscle development.

5. Optimal Hydration: Water is essential for nutrient transport and metabolic processes. Proper hydration supports muscle function, performance, and recovery.

Macronutrients That Are Essential For Muscle Building 

Achieving muscle gain requires a combination of the right nutrition and food. Also, a good muscle gain diet plan should provide the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to fuel muscle growth and repair.

It should also provide adequate calories to support the increased energy demands of muscle growth. The main macronutrients that your body requires while following the Indian diet plan for muscle gain are:

1.  Protein: Protein is one of the most important macronutrients and plays a crucial role in muscle growth and repair. Its sources include lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish, as well as dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese, and skim milk. Also, plant-based proteins such as legumes, and tofu, are beneficial. 

2.  Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide energy for workouts and help to refill the glycogen stores that are depleted during exercise. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa are the best sources. Starchy vegetables for example potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash are also beneficial. 

3.  Healthy Fats: Healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are essential for building and recovering muscle. Sources of these fats include nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive and coconut oils. Moreover, healthy fats will also help you lose fat not muscle.

A diet plan for muscle gain for beginners should provide the right balance of nutrients to fuel muscle growth. It should also provide adequate calories to support the increased energy demands of muscle growth.

Micronutrients  Essential For Muscle Building!

While macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats provide the energy and building blocks for muscle growth, micronutrients are essential for various physiological processes that support muscle function, repair, and recovery. 

Here are some key micronutrients essential for muscle building:

  • Vitamins:
    • Vitamin D: Helps in muscle protein synthesis and supports muscle function. It also aids in calcium absorption, which is essential for bone health.
    • Vitamin C: Acts as an antioxidant and supports collagen synthesis, which is important for maintaining the integrity of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
    • Vitamin E: Another antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress during intense workouts.
    • B Vitamins (B6, B12, Folate): Play a role in energy metabolism and help convert food into usable energy for muscle contractions during exercise.
  • Minerals:
    • Calcium: Essential for muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and bone health.
    • Magnesium: Supports energy metabolism, muscle function, and protein synthesis.
    • Iron: Necessary for oxygen transport in the blood, which is crucial for muscle endurance and performance.
    • Zinc: Important for protein synthesis, immune function, and wound healing, which are all essential for muscle recovery and growth.
    • Selenium: Acts as an antioxidant and helps reduce oxidative stress, which can impair muscle recovery.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: While technically not a micronutrient, omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA found in fish oil, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery after intense workouts.

It’s also important to ensure you’re getting an adequate intake of micronutrients through a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

The Right Way To Meal Plan For Muscle Gain!

Here we are sharing the following key points to optimize your muscle gain diet plan nutrition, fuel muscle development, and set the foundation for a successful and sustainable fitness journey.

  1. Balanced Breakfast: Start your day with a breakfast rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you satisfied.
  2. Meal Prep: Plan and prep your meals ahead on a day off to save time and reduce stress during busy weeks.
  3. Food Groups: Include protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fruits/vegetables in every meal for a nutrient-packed and satisfying diet.
  4. Timely Eating: Eat every 3-4 hours to maintain energy levels throughout the day and avoid extreme hunger.
  5. Prioritize Protein: Focus on protein for muscle building, add it first when increasing portions or including snacks.
  6. Diverse Food Choices: Make your eating plan sustainable by allowing yourself to enjoy all foods regularly, ensuring long-term success in muscle gain.
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Sample 7-Day Meal Plan For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss

Starting a journey to simultaneously build muscle and lose fat requires a strategic meal plan. This 7-day guide combines nutrition and exercise for effective results.

Day 1

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Rajma Chaat
Meal 3Tomato Soup
Meal 4Brown Rice With Grilled Chicken With Roasted Zucchini / Grilled Paneer With Veggies
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Mix Veg Raita
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 2

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Paneer Grilled Sandwich
Meal 3Rainbow Salad
Meal 4Paneer Kathi Roll
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Moong Dal Without Tadka
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 3

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Black Channa Chat
Meal 3Makhana Cucumber Salad
Meal 4Besan Chilla And Curd
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Bhel Puri
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 4

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Banana Smoothie
Meal 3Tomato Soup
Meal 4Moong Dal Bhel Puri
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Apple Milkshake
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 5

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Namkeen Oats Daliya
Meal 3Rainbow Salad
Meal 4Paneer Oats Chilla
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Vegetable Lentil Soup
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 6

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Moong Dal Idli With Coconut Chutney
Meal 3Cucumber Salad
Meal 4Moong Dal Chilla
Meal 5Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 6One Cup Of Green Tea With Roasted Makhana
Meal 7Vegetable Daliya
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 7

Meal 15 Almonds Soaked / Elaichi Water
Meal 2Black Channa Chat
Meal 3Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikoo, Banana, And Grapes
Meal 4Moong Dal Chappati
Meal 5Coconut Water
Meal 6Cucumber Makhana Salad
Meal 7Ghiya Tomato Soup
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Foods To Include On A Diet For Gaining Muscle

Here, in a veg diet plan for muscle gain, incorporating the right foods into your diet is crucial, while avoiding certain items is equally important.

So, here’s a concise guide on foods to include in your 7 day meal plan for muscle gain and fat loss and to steer clear of in your muscle gain diet plan.

  1. Soy Beans: Supports weight loss with high protein content. Soybeans also aid in developing lean muscle and curbing obesity. Intake in recommended quantities induces anti-obesity effects.
  2. Chickpeas (Channa): Rich in protein, fiber, folate, and iron. Supports fullness, slow digestion, and stable blood glucose levels. Moreover, it promotes a healthy gut environment and lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  3. Beans: Have high protein content per serving. Varieties include kidney, black, pinto, chickpeas, lima, mung, and fava. Also, it manages cholesterol, and blood sugar, and aids in weight control.
  4. Cottage Cheese (Paneer): Cottage cheese is high in casein, a slow-digesting dairy protein. Offers calcium, keeps fullness, and aids in fat burning.

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  1. Lentils (Dal): This is an easy and inexpensive source of protein and essential minerals. Lentils are also high fiber content support gut health and lower the risk of diseases. It is a staple in Indian meals, complemented with rice or roti.
  2. Green Peas (Matar): Rich in protein and fiber. Green peas both fresh and frozen varieties offer nutritional benefits. Also, encourages fullness and provides a seasonal protein source.
  3. Mixed Seeds: Add crunch and protein to meals. Also, includes flaxseeds, sunflower, hemp, chia, pumpkin, poppy, sesame, garden cress, and melon seeds. Enhances micronutrient intake in various dishes.
  4. Brown Rice: Nutritious whole-grain option with protein. Provides more fiber than white rice, aiding digestion. Versatile and used in various cuisines.
  5.  Spirulina: Blue-green seaweed with high protein content. Rich in magnesium, riboflavin, manganese, and potassium. Exhibits antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties.
  6. Milk: NCBI research, suggests that drinking milk after a workout with weights is good for your muscles. It helps your body handle protein better, which is good for building and repairing muscles.

    It also supports muscle protein synthesis and lean mass development. Skimmed and fortified versions are recommended, with plant-based alternatives available.
  7. Protein-Rich Grains: Amaranth and Quinoa are complete proteins with essential amino acids. Meanwhile, Spelt is an ancient grain with high protein and mineral content. All these are beneficial for muscle growth and overall health.
  8. Fruit & Vegetables: Varied intake ensures sufficient vitamins and minerals. Essential for growth and recovery in bodybuilders. Supports overall health and well-being.

Non-Veg Food Items You Can Consume For Muscle Gain

Non-vegetarian options play a crucial role in muscle gain, provided they are consumed in moderation as advised by a healthcare professional. Here are protein-rich choices that contribute to muscle development:

  1. Eggs: A small egg (38g) has 4.79g of protein, a medium egg (44g) has 5.54g protein, and a large one (50g) has 6.3g of protein. They are rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats, and vital nutrients like vitamin B and choline.

They also contain the amino acid leucine, which is crucial for muscle gain.

  1. Salmon: They aid muscle gain with 17 grams of protein per 85 grams, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamin B types. It is one of the best omega-3 rich foods that support muscle health during exercise.
  2. Chicken Breast: High in protein with 27 grams per 85 grams serving. They are also rich in vitamin B (niacin and B6), essential for an active lifestyle and muscle gain.
  3. Tuna: They also provide 20 grams of protein per 85 grams, along with vitamin A and B variations. The omega-3 fatty acids in tuna slow down age-related muscle loss.
  4. Lean Beef: Beef provides 20.8 g of protein, vitamin B, creatine, and minerals. They support muscle gain without excessive calories, making it a wise choice.
  5. Shrimp: They are a pure protein source with 19 grams per 85 grams serving. Shrimps are high in the amino acid leucine which is vital for muscle growth.
  6. Turkey Breast: They offer 26 grams of protein per 85 grams without fat or carbs. Turkey is rich in vitamin B, enhancing fat and carb processing for improved exercise ability.
  7. Tilapia: They provide 27 grams of protein in an 87-gram fillet. Healthy amounts of vitamin B12 and selenium support muscle health and overall well-being.
  8. Scallops: They are a high-protein and low-fat option with 17 grams per 85 grams serving. Provides essential nutrients with fewer than 100 calories.
  9. Lean Jerky: Varied meats can be turned into jerky, each with a different nutritional content. They have high protein content, as fat is removed during processing.
  10. Pork Tenderloin: One of the leanest meat cuts with 23.1 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat per 113-gram serving. They are comparable to chicken and beef in promoting muscle building.
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5 Pro Tips To Keep In Mind During Muscle Gain Diet Plan

Achieving muscle gain requires more than just lifting weights. A strategic powerlifting diet plan plays a pivotal role.

Here are four pro tips to optimize your muscle gain diet, ensuring a balanced approach for effective and sustainable results.

  1. Balanced Nutrition: Prioritize a well-rounded diet with a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.  Ensure an adequate calorie surplus to fuel muscle growth without excess body fat.
  2. Protein Timing: Distribute protein intake evenly throughout the day. Also, include protein-rich snacks and meals, optimizing muscle protein synthesis and recovery.
  3. Hydration: Maintain proper hydration levels for optimal muscle function and recovery. Moreover, water aids nutrient transport and metabolic processes crucial for muscle growth.
  4. Progressive Overload:  Gradually increase workout intensity and resistance for progressive muscle stimulation. Follow a structured and varied exercise routine to target different muscle groups.
  1. Quality Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide the energy your body needs to fuel intense workouts and support muscle recovery. 

Focus on consuming complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which provide sustained energy and essential nutrients. 

Limit processed and refined carbohydrates, as they can lead to energy crashes and interfere with your muscle gain efforts.

Difference Between Weight Gain And Muscle Gain

Discover the truth about Weight Gain vs. Muscle Gain! Watch our informative video to learn more. We’ll also clear out the secrets and help you figure out which path aligns with your fitness goals. Join us on this journey to understand the differences and make the right choices for your body!

A Word From Fitelo

Crafting a nourishing and well-balanced muscle gain meal plan doesn’t have to be alarming. Some foresight and preparation can simplify the process. You should concentrate on your food list as mentioned above and follow the pro tips as discussed. 

If still you find this challenging then connect with a registered dietitian for personalized advice tailored to your unique nutritional requirements and health objectives.

We acknowledge that meal plans might not suit everyone, especially those with disordered eating habits. For more details regarding this please contact our experts for guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Meals Should I Eat On A Muscle Gain Diet Plan?

For this diet plan, aim for 4-8 well-balanced meals a day. Spacing protein-rich meals every 3-4 hours provides a consistent flow of nutrients, optimizing muscle protein synthesis and energy levels for effective growth. Adjust portions based on individual needs.

How To Gain Muscle At Home? 

To gain muscle at home, incorporate bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges. Use household items as makeshift weights, follow a structured workout routine, and ensure a protein-rich diet for optimal muscle growth.

What Is The Best Way To Plan Meals For A Muscle Gain?

The best way to plan meals for a muscle gain diet is to prioritize protein-rich foods and incorporate complex carbs, and healthy fats. Aim for balanced meals throughout the day, focusing on nutrient timing, and consult with a dietitian for personalized guidance.

Contact Us Today

We know meal planning can be complicated and confusing, hence you need to consult a professional. So, contact us today if you are looking for a customized 7-day meal plan for muscle gain for females or males for weight loss.


This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.

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