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Updated On Apr 2024
Updated On Apr 2024

Healthy And Effective 7-Day Diet Plan For Weight Gain

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Diet Plan For Weight Gain

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Are you tired of being called “skinny” or hearing comments like “you need to eat more”? Being underweight can be just as frustrating and challenging as losing weight. Isn’t it? But with a proper diet plan for weight gain, you can achieve the desired results quickly.

This blog will discuss a 7-day weight gain diet plan that is both nutritious and delicious. This diet plan is designed to help you increase weight by providing you with the right balance of macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.

So, are you ready to start a journey towards a healthier and more confident you? Let’s get started, then!

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7-Day Sample Vegetarian Diet Plan For Weight Gain

Now, you just want to know how to gain weight with a healthy meal plan. We are well aware of the struggle of vegetarian people out there who want to gain weight. We are sharing below a sample 7-day vegetarian diet plan for you.

You can customize this diet plan based on your age, gender, and health conditions after consulting your dietician. Let’s explore:

Day 1
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 25 Mminutes paneer sandwich
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Cheese chili
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Lassi with jeera powder
Meal 7Suji vegetable roti
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 2
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Veg daliya
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Wheat and black chana flour roti with vegetable
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Makhana salad
Meal 7Mushroom spinach besan chilla
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 3
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Besan cheela with mint chutney
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Kadhi and rice
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Lassi with jeera powder
Meal 7Matar and oats roti
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 4
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Vegetable poha
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Any green leafy vegetable with oats roti
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Makhana salad
Meal 7Quinoa pulao
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 5
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Moong dal paratha with curd
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Wheat and black chana flour roti with vegetables
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Lassi with jeera powder
Meal 7Any dal with 1 or 2 jaun roti
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 6
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Brown bread sandwich
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Weight loss oats maggi
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Makhana salad
Meal 7Veg kathi roll
Meal 8Fruit custard
Day 7
Meal 1Nourisher Juice
Meal 2Vermicelli
Meal 3Handful of soaked nuts
Meal 4Any green leafy vegetable with oats roti
Meal 5Mint coriander water with a handful of roasted makhanas
Meal 6Lassi with jeera powder
Meal 7Oats milk
Meal 8Fruit custard

To consume more calories, increase the number of meals and include healthy foods that will help you build muscle mass without adding extra fat to your body.

Please note that this is a sample diet plan to gain weight for your reference. You can connect with our registered dietician for a more detailed and personalized weight gain diet plan.

10 Best Foods To Include In A Diet Plan For Weight Gain

Your diet plays a central role in gaining weight healthily and effectively. Consuming the right types of foods into your weight gain meal plan can make all the difference. Here are some essential food groups that you should include:

1. Eggs

Protein is an important nutrient for creating and repairing muscle tissue, essential for gaining weight. Eggs can be a great addition to a weight gain diet plan as they are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, B12, and choline.

  • Eggs are considered a complete protein, meaning they comprise all the amino acids your body needs.
  • Additionally, the healthy fat in eggs can help increase calorie intake and provide sustained energy throughout the day.
  • It is also important to consume the entire egg. In reality, the yolk of an egg contains practically all of the healthy elements.
  • You can prepare eggs in various ways, such as boiling, poaching, frying, baking, and scrambled eggs and have it with a whole wheat bread for a proper meal.
  • If you are healthy, there’s no need to restrict your egg intake as long as you don’t have an egg allergy or intolerance. You can easily consume three eggs a day if you would like.

Please know that eggs should be consumed as part of a balanced diet and in moderation, as they are also high in cholesterol.

2. Rice

Rice is a low-cost carbohydrate that is easy to cook, and you can eat it with many dishes. It is also a good energy source, and you can easily add it to your diet plan for weight gain.

  • Rice is also easily digestible and can be consumed in large quantities, making it a convenient option for those looking to increase their calorie intake. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1 cup or 158  gm of cooked white rice provides approx. 204 calories.
  • For people who have celiac illness or are sensitive to gluten, rice is best to consume as it is a hypoallergenic food.
  • Moreover, rice delivers a lot of energy to the body as it is rich in carbs.
  • Additionally, it is easy to pair rice with other foods to create healthy and filling meals. For example, add vegetables and protein sources like chicken, tofu, and rice to create a balanced and nutritious meal.

It is important to note that not all rice is created equal, and some types of rice are healthier than others. Brown rice, for example, is a better option than white rice as it is higher in fiber and nutrients.

3. Chicken

Chicken is a healthy diet rich food and an excellent option to include in a weight gain diet plan as it is a good source of high-quality protein. These are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue.

  • Chicken is also a great source of essential vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, phosphorus, and selenium.
  • Additionally, chicken is a multipurpose food that can be consumed in various ways, making it easy to add to your meals. Grilled chicken breast, roasted, or baked chicken is a healthy and nourishing option that can be paired with other foods to create balanced and nutritious meals.
  • Chicken also, has health benefits like it can boost your immunity if added to a diet plan for weight gain. It also helps fight colds, flu, and other respiratory infections.

4. Potatoes

You can always gain weight without overeating. All you need to do is eat correct and take a healthy diet, high calorie foods and healthy, like potatoes. Below are their benefits, which assure you they can help you get the desired shape:

  • They are a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy and help you gain weight. Potatoes are also high in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, and iron.
  • Potatoes are also relatively low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel full and content after eating.
  • Being rich in resistant starch helps lessen insulin resistance and control blood sugar.
  • Potatoes are a good option for people with celiac disease or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
  • As one of the weight gain foods, potatoes can be eaten in various ways, such as roasted, baked, or boiled.
  • Also, not all potato dishes are healthy. Fried potatoes like french fries or potato chips are high in calories and unhealthy fats. Thus, you should avoid fried potatoes if you’re looking to gain weight in a healthy way.
  • To add potatoes to your diet plan, consider consuming them naturally, such as boiled or baked potatoes. 

5. Paneer

Paneer contains a fair volume of fat and proteins. Adding it to your diet plan for weight gain and eating as per the quantity recommended by your dietitian will surely help you. It is one of the best substitute for junk foods.

  • Paneer is a great source of protein and calcium. It is also rich in vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Consuming paneer as part of your weight gain diet can help you increase your calorie and protein intake.
  • Consuming paneer can help you feel full and cut your calorie intake throughout the day. Paneer is also a good source of good fats, which can help you gain healthy weight.
  • How much protein is needed per day to gain weight depends on some factors, such as your metabolism, activity level, and what else you eat throughout the day. For most people, consuming 100-200 grams of paneer daily will be enough to gain weight.
  • You can add paneer to curries, salads, sandwiches, or even consume it as a snack.

6. Dried Fruits

Dry fruits are a great addition to a weight-gain diet plan and are the healthy snacks too. They are a good source of calories, fiber,  vitamins, and minerals. Dried fruits for weight gain are also convenient snacks you can consume anytime.

Some of the best dry fruits to gain weight include:

  • Dates: These are a great source of natural sugars and also fiber-rich, which can help you feel full for longer.
  • Raisins: Raisins are a calorie-dense food rich in carbohydrates and fiber. They can be consumed as a snack or added to oatmeal, greek yogurt, or smoothies as a part of your diet.
  • Apricots: Dried apricots are a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins like vitamins A and C. They can be consumed as a snack or added to salads and trail mixes.
  • Prunes: Prunes are a good source of fiber and potassium. They can be consumed as a snack or added to oatmeal, greek yogurt, or smoothies.
  • Figs: These are good fiber, calcium, and iron sources. They can be consumed as a snack or added to salads and trail mixes.

7. Salmon

Salmon is a type of fatty fish that can benefit weight gain due to its high nutrient content. It is an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids essential for maintaining good health.

  • According to the National Institutes of Health, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and increase muscle mass. All of these can contribute to healthy weight gain.
  • Additionally, salmon is calorie-dense but not too high in calories, meaning it can provide a lot of nutrition without adding too many calories to your diet and helping you gain weight.
  • Consuming salmon with other nutrient-dense foods and a regular exercise routine can help promote healthy weight gain.
  • Salmon is also a good source of creatine and leucine, which are important for muscle growth.

8. Dairy Milk

Milk is a nutrient-dense food that can help promote healthy weight gain. Whole milk is an excellent source of high-quality protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients, including vitamins A, D, and B12 and could be the best substitute for sugary drinks.

  • These nutrients are essential for preserving good health and building muscle tissue. Milk is a calcium-rich food for bones that strengthens the bones of our body.
  • Additionally, dairy or whole milk is calorie-dense, providing much energy in a small serving size. Drinking this is a healthy way for those looking to gain weight.
  • Whole milk has the maximum fat and provides the most calories, while skim milk has the least fat and provides the fewest calories.
  • You can drink whole milk as a snack, with a meal, or before and after your workouts.

9. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a tasty treat and the best substitute for sugary foods that can benefit weight gain when consumed in moderation. It is a good source of antioxidants, fiber, and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and copper. These nutrients in dark chocolate are essential for keeping good health and promoting a healthy weight.

10. Nut Butter

A good diet consists of nut butter, such as peanut butter or almond butter, as it is a great weight gain food due to its high nutrient content. It provides protein, healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium.

  • These nutrients are required for maintaining good health, building muscle mass, and promoting weight gain. Additionally, natural peanut butter is calorie-dense, providing a lot of energy in a small serving size.
  • You can add peanut butter for weight gain to smoothies and oatmeal or consume them with fruits and nuts as a snack.
  • Consuming nut butter in moderation as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise can help promote healthy weight gain. Nut butter is also high in calories and fat, so it’s essential to consume it moderately. Also, choose natural nut butter without added sugars or hydrogenated oils.

So, include these foods in your diet plan for weight gain while consulting a registered dietician. You can nourish your body properly while achieving your desired weight goals.

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The Importance Of A Diet Plan For Healthy Weight Gain

When it comes to a healthy weight gain diet, having a well-structured diet plan is crucial. As some weight gain done in a wrong way could be dangerous and lead to abdominal obesity. A diet plan ensures that you are consuming the right quantity of calories and nutrients to support your body’s needs for weight gain. Here is the importance of a weight gain meal plan:

  • Provides Structure: A diet plan for weight gain can structure your meals and snacks, ensuring you consume enough calories and nutrients to support healthy weight gain. It guides you by helping you make informed choices about what to eat and when.
  • Ensures Adequate Nutrient Intake: A well-planned diet will ensure you consume all the necessary nutrients your body needs, with protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Also, check out this weight gain diet plan for females for more guidance.
  • Helps You Track Progress: Following a diet plan can help you track your progress and make necessary adjustments, ensuring that you are meeting your weight gain goals. Following a healthy diet plan also, ensure unintentional weight loss in a good way and builds lean muscle mass.
  • Reduces The Risk Of Overeating: A diet plan can help you avoid overeating or consuming too many unhealthy foods. This can also help you avoid the pitfalls of fad diets or unsustainable eating patterns that can lead to weight gain or other body problems in the long run.
  • Develop Healthy Eating Habits: A diet plan can also help you adapt healthy eating habits that can be sustained over the long term. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods and avoiding unhealthy options, you can establish a healthy eating pattern. It further supports your health and weight gain goals. 

7 Tips To Achieve Healthy Weight

If you are looking to gain weight healthily, here are some weight gain tips that you can follow:

1. Eat More Calories:

Consuming more calories than you burn is key to balanced weight. You can gain weight gradually by adding healthy calories or healthy drinks like whole milk and build lean muscle mass. Adults could try adding around 300 to 500 extra calories a day.

2. Avoid Processed Foods:

Processed foods like chips, crackers, and frozen meals are often high in calories and unhealthy fats. They are also low in nutrients, leading to unhealthy weight gain. Hence, add healthy foods to your diet like greek yogurt, sweet potato mash, natural peanut butter, home made protein powder, whole wheat bread, whole grains, brown rice, low fat milk to complete your daily calorie intake. Also, make it a point to cook your food in olive oil.

3. Eat Protein-Rich Foods:

A high-protein diet is essential for muscle development, and repair. So, include sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts in your diet as they do not consist of saturated fat but healthy fat.

4. Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods:

Focus on incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet, such as whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. These will offer essential vitamins and minerals while helping you meet your calorie goals.

5. Exercise Regularly:

Workouts are essential for building muscle and gaining weight. Try to exercise at least 3-4 times per week, focusing on strength training exercises like weight lifting.

6. Get Enough Sleep:

Sufficient sleep is important for overall health and can help you gain weight. Ensure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. This will also help you in managing stress levels.

7. Consult a Professional:

You must consult a registered dietitian or a health specialist for the right guidance. Dieticians can help you create a diet plan that is custom-made to your needs.


A well-planned and balanced diet is quite important in achieving the right weight. Being underweight can lead to various health complications, such as weak immunity, infertility, osteoporosis, etc. So, it is necessary to address the underlying causes to promote overall well-being.

Try understanding how many calories does your body need and add nutrient-dense foods to your diet plan for weight gain. It would be best to focus on consuming more calories than you burn through regular physical activity.

Additionally, make sure to include protein-rich foods such as lean meats, dairy products, and legumes to support muscle growth. Also, consume healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and olive oil for added calories.

While following a weight gain meal plan, you must avoid processed foods high in saturated fats and sugars as it will let you gain weight fast but that is not good for your body. These may contribute to unhealthy weight gain or other health issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Signs Of Weight Gain?

The signs of weight gain can include tighter clothing, increased body fat, a higher number on the scale, and changes in body shape. If you gain weight fast, indicators may include decreased energy levels and a decline in physical ability.

Which Vegetables Are High In Protein For Weight Gain?

Some high-protein vegetables for weight gain include peas, brussels sprouts, asparagus, spinach, and broccoli. These vegetables are also nutrient-dense and can promote overall health and well-being.

What Is A Healthy Weight Range?

A healthy weight range is determined by calculating an individual’s body mass index (BMI). A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered within the healthy weight range.

Is The Indian Diet Plan For Weight Gain Effective? 

The effectiveness of the Indian diet plan to increase weight depends on calorie intake, macronutrient balance, and physical activity level. However, if followed correctly with a focus on nutrient-dense foods and a gradual increase in calorie intake, it can aid in healthy weight gain.

Why You Are Underweight?

Being underweight can be caused by several factors, including genetics, high metabolism, eating disorders, less consumption of fresh fruits, lean proteins, healthy food, low calorie diet, consuming fewer calories, and health problems. If you are concerned about your weight, consult a registered dietitian or a health specialist.

How Many Calories You Should Consume In A Day?

This however, depends on your body weight and the numbers you want to achieve. A healthy diet with calorie dense foods, or a high protein diet with high protein foods will help you achieve the right body weight. Therefore, it is recommended to take a proper diet from your dietitian.

Why Do You Gain Weight Quickly?

Gaining weight quickly can happen due to overeating and lack of exercise. Consuming excess calories, especially from unhealthy foods, leads to weight gain when not burned off through physical activity. Other factors like hormonal changes, medications, genetics, and stress can also contribute. Maintaining a balanced diet in a healthy manner, staying active, managing stress, and seeking medical advice can help prevent rapid weight gain.

Contact Us Today

Get in touch with our expert team at Fitelo to kick-start your transformative journey! Let us guide you toward your weight loss goals and help you cultivate sustainable and healthy eating habits. So, contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with Fitelo!


This blog was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The vital thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Therefore, before starting, always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian if you have any concerns.

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.

5 Thoughts on Healthy And Effective 7-Day Diet Plan For Weight Gain
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    22 Sep 2023

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      26 Sep 2023

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