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Updated On May 2024
Updated On May 2024

Best Diet Plan For Weight Loss: Lose 2-8 Kgs in 1 Month

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Diet Plan For Weight Loss

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Rebekah Pais

In the dynamic domain of health and fitness, I stand out with a sharp eye for trending market trends.

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Anjali Malik

Anjali Malik is a qualified dietitian and a certified child expert dietitian at Fitelo.

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Picture this: you’re on Google searching for the best diet plan for weight loss!

However, you’re getting search results for healthy recipes, the best exercise, what to eat, what to avoid, etc. Along with the diet plan.

Why is this so?

Eating well and working out simultaneously are equally important. It is important for losing weight as it gives your body the right nutrients to work properly and keep a good balance of energy. 

How you eat, your lifestyle, and managing your weight in the long run are all connected. It’s important to choose a balanced and healthy diet for the long term. 

This not only helps you lose weight but also keeps you overall healthy. By making smart and nutritious food choices regularly, you set yourself up for lasting success in your weight loss efforts.

According to NCBI, the two parts of the equation for weight management are energy intake (eating and drinking) versus energy output (exercise). This means eating right + working out. 

Here we are with a complete guide on the right diet plan and do’s and don’t you need to follow to lose weight in 2024.

Stay tuned!

Understanding The Science Behind Weight Loss 

Weight loss is a topic that many people talk about, but understanding the science behind it can make the journey easier. Let’s explore some simple concepts that can help you on your weight loss journey before we share the perfect diet plan for weight loss.

1. Calories In, Calories Out: Your body needs energy to function. This energy comes from the food you eat, measured in calories. 

If you consume more calories than your body uses, the excess is stored as fat, leading to weight gain. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit healthy diet plan by either eating fewer calories or burning more through exercise.

2. Metabolism: It is like your body’s engine. It’s the process of converting food into energy. Some people have a fast metabolism, meaning they burn calories quickly. Others have a slower metabolism. While genetics play a role, regular exercise can boost your metabolism.

3. Nutrient-Rich Foods: Not all calories are created equal. Choosing nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals. These foods keep you full for longer, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan.

4. Exercise And Muscle: Exercise not only burns calories but also builds muscle. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does. Including both cardio (like walking or jogging) and strength training (using weights or resistance) in your routine can help you lose weight and tone your body.

4. Sleep And Stress: Lack of sleep and high stress levels can affect your weight. When you’re tired or stressed, your body may crave unhealthy foods.  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and find healthy ways to manage stress, like deep breathing or exercise.

Weight loss is influenced by a combination of many factors. By understanding and addressing these elements, you can create a comprehensive approach for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight loss with a proper diet plan.

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Major Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Besides following a diet plan for weight loss or any other regime, there are several reasons why someone may not be experiencing the expected weight loss despite efforts. Here are some common factors:

1. Inadequate Caloric Deficit: Weight loss generally occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body expends. If you’re not creating a sufficient caloric deficit through a combination of diet and exercise, weight loss may be slow or non-existent.

2. Lack Of Physical Activity: Regular exercise is crucial for weight loss. If you’re not engaging in enough physical activity, it can impede your weight loss progress. Both cardiovascular exercises and strength training contribute to overall calorie burning.

3. Poor Dietary Choices: Even if you’re consuming fewer calories, the quality of those calories matters. A diet high in processed foods, sugary beverages, and unhealthy fats can hinder weight loss. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.

4. Overestimating Caloric Burn: Sometimes people overestimate the number of calories burned during exercise and underestimate the calories consumed, leading to a smaller caloric deficit than anticipated.

5. Lack Of Consistency: Consistency is key in both diet and exercise. If you’re inconsistent with your efforts, it can slow down or halt your weight loss progress.

6. Underlying Health Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or hormonal imbalances, can affect weight loss. If you’re struggling to lose weight despite a healthy lifestyle, consider consulting with a healthcare professional.

7. Inadequate Sleep: Poor sleep patterns can disrupt hormonal balance, including hormones related to hunger and satiety. Lack of sleep may lead to increased cravings and overeating, affecting weight loss efforts.

8. Stress Levels: Chronic stress can lead to overeating or making unhealthy food choices. Stress hormones may also contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

9. Fluid Retention: Temporary weight fluctuations can occur due to water retention. Factors like high sodium intake, hormonal changes, or certain medications can contribute to fluid retention.

10. Not Drinking Enough Water: Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can also support weight loss. Drinking water before meals may help control appetite.

7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss (Weight Loss Diet Chart)

Day 1

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Hung Curd Sandwich
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 41 Bowl Green Veg Curry + 1 Bran Roti
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Mix Veg Or Celery Soup
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 2

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Besan Cheela With Low-Fat Curd/Green Chutney, Overnight Soaked Oats
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Any Dal With Oats Roti
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Vegetable Lentil Soup, Sauteed Veggies
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 3

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Poha Cutlet/Rice Or Besan Cutlet
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Chana Dal/Brown Rice Cutlets
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Garlic Sauteed Veggies/Bhelpuri/Pumpkin Soup
Meal 8Chamomile Tea
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Day 4

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Apple Curd Smoothie/Wheat Bran Flakes In Medium Low-Fat Milk
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Wheat Bran Roti With Any Seasonal Vegetable /Bajra Khichdi
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Fruit Raita/Mixed Veg Soup
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 5

Meal 1Black Pepper Seeds, Lukewarm Lemon Water
Meal 2Sprouts Jalfrezi,/Sprout Dahi Chaat
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Makhana Kheer/Pysumm/Avocado Veggie Wrap
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Makhana Kheer/Pysumm/Avocado Veggie Wrap
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 6

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Mexican Wrap/Avocado Blueberry Smoothie Bowl
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Oats Cheela
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Chatpata Guava Chaat/Fruit Custard
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day 7

Meal 15 Almonds, Elaichi Water
Meal 2Peanut Butter Cucumber Sandwich/Wheat Bran Roti Kneaded With Ghiya And Curd
Meal 3Mint Coriander Infusion, Green Coffee
Meal 4Whole Wheat Vegetable Pasta/Wheat Bran Roti With Ghiya
Meal 5Green Tea, Seeds Mixture
Meal 6Any Fruit Except Mango, Chikko, Banana, Grapes
Meal 7Bowl Of Ghiya
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Note: This is a general & simple diet plan given by an experienced dietitian from Fitelo. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian if you have any concerns before starting.

Things to keep in mind when following a diet plan for weight loss


  • Add some healthy color to your diet, in the form of veggies and fruits as they are loaded with nutrients and health benefits.
  • Make sure to add protein to your diet so that you don’t feel hungry more often and therefore you will save yourself from overeating.
  • It’s very important to follow a certain diet plan and have healthy lifestyle changes. To make it easier, you can also download the Fitelo diet plan app for easy updates. 
  • One must consult a dietitian before following any particular diet as a  diet plan differs from person to person depending upon their health and body issues.


  • Ignoring the hidden sources of carbs, sugar, and sodium. For instance, if you make poha at home do not add namkeen or something fried.
  • Over-snacking and under-eating are other blocks in your fitness journey. Forcing your body to starve alarms it preserves food, and you end up storing whatever little you ate as stored fat, making way for even bigger hunger moods.
  • Relying on Detox diets may be the worst way to lose weight. Not only are you constantly drained, but you’ll lose muscle mass too. What’s more? All the lost weight will bounce back when your body comes to normal eating mode.

Food To Include In Your Diet Plan

Here are a few foods to eat during weight loss or add to your diet plan for weight loss that will make your fat loss journey easy.

1. Lean Proteins: According to NCBI, foods like chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, and tofu are rich in protein, which promotes fullness and helps preserve muscle mass.

2. Leafy Greens: Vegetables like spinach, kale, and lettuce are low in calories but high in fiber and essential nutrients.

3. Whole Grains: Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats provide complex carbohydrates that sustain energy levels and keep you feeling full for longer periods.

4. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in fiber and protein, aiding in appetite control.

5. Fruits: Fruits like berries, apples, and citrus fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being relatively low in calories, making them great options for weight-conscious individuals.

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Unhealthy Foods To Avoid During Your Weight Loss Journey

When aiming for weight loss, it’s helpful to be mindful of certain unhealthy foods that can hinder your progress. Here’s a simple guide to foods to avoid during weight loss:

1. Sugary Beverages: Drinks like sodas, energy drinks, and sweetened teas can add a lot of unnecessary calories without making you feel full. Opt for water, herbal tea, or infused water instead.

2. Fried Foods: Fried foods are often high in unhealthy fats and calories. Opt for grilled, baked, or steamed alternatives to reduce your fat intake in your diet plan for weight loss.

3. High-Calorie Coffee Drinks: Fancy coffee drinks with added syrups, whipped cream, and sugary flavorings can be high in calories. Stick to plain coffee or opt for healthier alternatives like black or green tea.

4. Full-Fat Dairy Products: While dairy can be a part of a healthy diet, full-fat versions can be high in saturated fats. Choose low-fat or fat-free options for a lighter choice.

5. Alcoholic Beverages: Alcoholic drinks can contribute extra calories, and alcohol may lower your inhibitions, leading to overeating. Consume alcohol in moderation, and consider lower-calorie options.

Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan Meal Swaps

If you’re looking to make healthier choices in your Indian weight loss diet plan, consider these meal swaps that can help reduce overall calorie intake and promote a more balanced nutrition profile:

1. White Rice To Brown Rice Or Quinoa: Swap traditional white rice for brown rice or quinoa. These whole grains are higher in fiber, which can help you feel fuller for longer and stabilize blood sugar levels.

2. Refined Flour (Maida) To Whole Wheat Flour: Opt for whole wheat flour instead of refined flour (maida) in your chapatis or bread. Whole grains offer more nutrients and fiber.

3. Deep-Fried Snacks To Roasted Or Grilled Snacks: Replace deep-fried snacks like samosas or pakoras with roasted or grilled alternatives when following a diet plan for weight loss. This reduces the overall calorie and fat content.

4. Regular Paneer To Low-Fat Paneer Or Tofu: Use low-fat paneer or tofu instead of regular paneer to reduce saturated fat content while maintaining protein intake.

5. Full-Fat Dairy To Low-Fat Or Skim Dairy: Choose low-fat or skim versions of milk, yogurt, and cheese to reduce calorie and fat intake while still getting essential nutrients.

6. Fried Vegetables To Steamed Or Stir-Fried Vegetables: Instead of deep-frying vegetables, opt for steaming or stir-frying with minimal oil to retain nutrients and reduce added calories.

7. Sweetened Beverages To Herbal Teas Or Water: Replace sugary beverages like sodas and sweetened juices with herbal teas or plain water. This helps cut down on added sugars.

8. High-Calorie Curries To Tomato-Based Or Yogurt-Based Curries: Choose tomato-based or yogurt-based curries over rich, creamy curries. This can help reduce the overall calorie and fat content.

9. Regular Snacking To Healthy Snacks: Swap high-calorie snacks with healthier options like fresh fruits, raw vegetables with hummus, or a handful of nuts.

10. Sugar-Sweetened Desserts To Fruit-Based Desserts: Instead of sugary desserts, opt for fruit-based desserts like fruit salads, fruit chaat, or homemade smoothies.

11. Regular Cooking Oil To Healthier Oils: Replace regular cooking oil with healthier options like olive oil, canola oil, or mustard oil. These oils contain healthier fats.

12. High-Sugar Yogurt To Plain Greek Yogurt: Choose plain Greek yogurt over flavored yogurts that may contain added sugars. You can add fresh fruits or a drizzle of honey for sweetness.

A Word From Fitelo On Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a significant challenge, both mentally and physically. A well-structured diet plan provides guidelines on food choices, and portions, and keeps you motivated.

It also educates on making healthier food decisions for sustainable success. In this blog, we cover why a diet plan to lose weight is essential. How to choose one? a sample chart, tips, and dietary dos and don’ts.

Seeking professional guidance, like Fitelo’s customized diet plans, can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their fitness resolutions.

Weight Loss Transformation With Fitelo’s Customized Diet Plan!

Meet Mansha, she lost 20 Kg in just 90 days with a lot of inches as well. Her stupendous transformation is an inspiration for all the people out there still thinking about getting fit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Water Should One Drink To Lose Weight? 

According to HUB, drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for weight loss, and a general guideline is to aim for at least 8 glasses (64 ounces) per day, though individual needs may vary based on factors like age, activity level, and climate. 

How Many Calories Should I Eat In A Day To Lose Weight? 

The number of calories needed for weight loss varies, but a common guideline is to create a calorie deficit by consuming 500 to 1,000 fewer calories per day than your body needs, which can result in a safe and sustainable weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds per week. 

What Are Some Healthy Snacks I Can Have On A Weight Loss Diet? 

Opt for nutritious snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables with hummus, Greek yogurt with berries, or a handful of nuts, as these options provide essential nutrients, promote satiety, and support your weight loss goals by avoiding empty calories and excessive sugars. 

Is It Safe To Follow A Weight Loss Diet While Pregnant Or Breastfeeding? 

It is not recommended to actively try to lose weight through dieting while pregnant or breastfeeding, as both periods require adequate nutrition for the well-being of the mother and child. Instead, focus on maintaining a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and consult with a healthcare professional.

Which Diet Is The Most Effective In Weight Loss?

A well-balanced diet plan for weight loss with portion control and reduced calorie intake is the most effective approach. This includes incorporating whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits while limiting sugary and high-fat foods.

How Long Does It Take To See Results On A Weight Loss Diet? 

The time it takes to see noticeable results on a weight loss diet varies from person to person, but individuals may start noticing changes in a few weeks to a couple of months with consistent adherence to healthy eating and exercise habits. 

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This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian if you have any concerns before starting.

Stay Healthy And Happy!

14 Thoughts on Best Diet Plan For Weight Loss: Lose 2-8 Kgs in 1 Month
    Anurag sinha
    28 Sep 2022

    Very good information about weight loss

      29 Sep 2022

      Thank You, Anurag!

    Kamal Bhatti
    9 Jan 2023

    Very good experience with them. Dietitian Nisha is very knowledgeable about their work. I recommend that to my family and friends.

      10 Jan 2023

      Thank You Kamal Bhatti!

    17 Feb 2023

    What amount to be paid for weight loose

      27 Feb 2023

      You can reach us at https://fitelo.co/weight-loss-plans/ so that we can discuss your challenges in detail.

        Swati garg
        5 Jun 2023

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          5 Jun 2023

          Thank You Swati

    Pooja garg
    25 Jul 2023

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      2 Aug 2023

      You can reach us at 6284-886002 so that we can discuss your challenges in detail.

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          21 Nov 2023

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    Karan lalwani
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      6 Mar 2024

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