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Updated On Apr 2024
Updated On Apr 2024

Gastritis Diet For 7 Days And Tips To Reduce Acidity

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Gastritis Diet

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Sanya Singh

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A Gastritis diet usually centers around natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It is the inflammation of the stomach lining, and its treatment depends on the specific type and cause. 

A common cause is the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Lifestyle factors like tobacco or alcohol use and certain health conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, can also contribute to gastritis. But this condition can be controlled by including a meal plan regularly in your routine.  

Imagine a life without any disease or health problem it is difficult, isn’t it? However, we can do it by just making some basic changes in our lifestyle and diets. We can understand that these days many people are choosing to eat junk food due to its spicy and tangy flavors. 

But have you ever wondered what they are doing to your body? 

If not then let’s go through this informative blog and explore the dietary choices we can make to avoid this gastritis condition. Additionally, here we will learn tips and treatments related to this condition.  

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What Is Gastritis And Its Type?

Gastritis problem is quite a common problem among people. It is an inflammation, erosion, or irritation of the lining of the stomach. However, at the start, it is acute but can turn into a chronic condition. 

In other words, gastritis is when the membrane of the stomach gets disturbed. It further leads to the secretion of acids.

Various types of gastritis include:

1. Acute Gastritis: This type of gastritis occurs due to its sudden and temporary nature, often arising from acute conditions.

2. Chronic Gastritis: This is a long-term and constant condition that may develop gradually. The gastritis health condition can also be of 2 types – erosive and non-erosive.

  • Erosive Gastritis: Erosive gastritis is the active corrosion of the stomach lining due to substances such as acid, bile, alcohol, or drugs, resulting in the formation of ulcers. It involves direct damage to the gastric mucosa, leading to erosive changes.
  • Nonerosive Gastritis: Nonerosive Gastritis is a condition where the stomach lining is inflamed without causing erosive changes. While it may not lead to ulcers, it can irritate, such as reddening of the stomach lining. Atrophic gastritis, a specific type, involves thinning or wasting away of the stomach lining.

Gastritis can also be classified by its specific cause, leading to names such as infectious, drug-induced, alcohol-induced, stress-induced, autoimmune, and eosinophilic gastritis. 

These classifications highlight the diverse origins and presentations of gastritis, emphasizing the importance of identifying the precise type for effective management.

Symptoms Of Gastritis Problem

Feeling gas in the stomach is quite common. According to NIH, here are some of the common symptoms of gastritis condition:  

Symptoms of gastritis

1. Nausea Or Recurrent Upset Stomach: Nausea is an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach that often accompanies gastritis. Recurrent upset stomachs indicate constant irritation of the stomach lining, leading to discomfort and unease.

2. Abdominal Bloating And Pain: Gastritis may cause abdominal bloating, a feeling of fullness, and pain. Inflammation of the stomach lining contributes to discomfort, swelling, and aching sensations in the abdominal area.

3. Vomiting Or Blood Vomiting: Severe gastritis can lead to vomiting. In extreme cases, blood vomiting may occur, indicating potential damage to the stomach lining and the presence of bleeding ulcers.

4. Indigestion Or Stomach Pain: Gastritis disrupts the normal digestive process, causing indigestion. Constant stomach pain is a common symptom, reflecting inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining.

5. Ulcers Or Burning In The Stomach: Erosive gastritis may result in the formation of ulcers, causing a burning sensation in the stomach. This symptom is also indicative of significant damage to the stomach lining.

6. Loss Of Appetite Or Black Tarry Stools: Gastritis can lead to a loss of appetite due to the discomfort associated with eating. Additionally, black tarry stools may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding, a serious complication of advanced gastritis.

Causes Of Gastric Problems

Discovering the causes of gastric problems is important for understanding and managing digestive health. So, let’s explore various factors that contribute to gastric issues.  

1. Upper Intestinal Gas: This is known as aerophagia in which you swallow the gas, in the following forms:

  • Chewing gums
  • Smoking
  • Loose dentures
  • Drinking through a straw
  • Eating too fast

2. Lower Intestinal Gas: This is the situation when intestinal bacteria act on the undigested food present in the large intestine and further, gas is excreted out of the body in flatus form. These foods include:

  • Starch foods like potatoes, pasta, corn, etc.
  • Fatty and spicy foods.
  • Vegetables include cabbage, beans, onion, and asparagus.
  • Fruits like apples, pears, and peaches.
  • Being empty stomach for a long time or eating excessive spicy food and drinking alcohol.
  • Taking too much stress, tension, and anxiety or disturbance of mental wellness are also, the major reasons for this problem.
  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori): This is the bacteria living in the mucous lining of the stomach and if you do not treat it on time, it further, leads to ulcers or stomach cancer.
  • Bile reflux: This is another reason for gastritis in which bile juice backflows in the stomach from the bile tract.
  • Other causes, that you should not ignore are acidity, indigestion, bloating, heartburn, bacterial infection, constipation, etc.
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7-Day Gastritis Diet Plan

Below is the 7-day diet for gastritis patients by the expert dietitians of Fitelo. Following, this diet, you will also, get to know the right foods for gastritis and can stay away from any triggers.

Day: 1

Meal 1Elaichi Water And 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 2Poha
Meal 3Milk Tea With Sugar
Meal 4Moong Dal Khichdi With Curd
Meal 5Milk Tea With Sugar Or Ginger Turmeric Tea
Meal 6Any Fruit/ Masala Makhana
Meal 7Bowl Of Dal With 1 Small Bowl Of Boiled White Rice, Boiled Rice With Sabji
Meal 8Chamomile Tea

Day: 2

Meal 1Jeera Water
Meal 2Gobhi Or Mooli Stuffed Roti With 1 Bowl Of Jeera Curd
Meal 3Coconut Water
Meal 42 Wheat Or Oats Roti With Any Seasonal Vegetable
Meal 5Saunf Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 6Chia Seed Water, Any Fruits Of Your Choice
Meal 71 Bowl Mix Veg Soup
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

Day: 3

Meal 1Elaichi Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 22-3 Veggies Stuffed Idlis With Green Chutney
Meal 3Plain Mint Chaas 
Meal 4Boiled Rice With Vegetable Sambhar
Meal 5Saunf Water
Meal 6Milk Tea Without Sugar, Handful Of Roasted Makhana Or Channa
Meal 71 Bowl Of Vegetable Dalia Khichdi 
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

Day: 4

Meal 1Jeera Water
Meal 2Vegetable Sooji Upma With Homemade Green Coriander Chutney 
Meal 3Coconut Water
Meal 42 Wheat Or Oats Roti With Any Seasonal Vegetable, Jeera Curd
Meal 5Saunf Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 6Chia Seed Water, Any Fruits Of Your Choice
Meal 71 Plain Sooji Cheela With Moong Dal Soup
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

Day: 5

Meal 1Elaichi Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 2Grilled Vegetable Sandwich 
Meal 3Plain Mint Chass
Meal 4Palak Dal Khichdi With Vegetable Raita
Meal 5Saunf Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 6Chia Seed Water, Any Fruits Of Your Choice
Meal 71 Bowl Vegetable Poha 
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

Day: 6

Meal 1Jeera Water
Meal 21 Bowl Vegetable Dalia
Meal 3Coconut Water
Meal 4Paneer Bhurji With 2 Wheat Or Oats Roti And Curd
Meal 5Saunf Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 6Milk Tea Without Sugar, A Handful Of Roasted Makhana Or Channa
Meal 7Tomato Beetroot Soup With 50 Gm Grilled Paneer Pieces
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

Day: 7

Meal 1Elaichi Water, 5 Soaked Almonds
Meal 21-2 Methi Stuffed Missi Roti With Jeera Curd
Meal 3Plain Mint Chaas
Meal 4Moong Dal Khichdi
Meal 5Saunf Water
Meal 6Chia Seed Water, Any Fruits Of Your Choice
Meal 71 Bowl Seasonal Vegetable, 1 Plain Wheat Or Oats Roti
Meal 8Elaichi Water Or Chamomile Tea

What Foods Are Good For Gastritis Diet?

Although you have a diet to follow, this is not enough until you know which foods to eat in your daily life routine if often you suffer from gas.

  1. Fruits And Vegetables: Choose low-acid options like bananas, apples, berries, carrots, pumpkins, and green leafy vegetables. Also, avoid acidic or spicy varieties to prevent troublesome gastritis.
  2. Whole Grains: Incorporate brown rice, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, oats, barley, and quinoa. Opt for bland yet fiber-rich whole grains, suitable for gastric ulcer patients. If symptoms like gas and bloating remain, consider plain white rice and potatoes for ease of digestion.
  3. Curd: Consume Curd or low-fat dairy products like low-fat milk. Yogurt or curd is rich in probiotics, which are also known as good bacteria. In gastritis, these good bacteria, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that can worsen the symptoms. So, include they are of utmost importance.
  4. Proteins: Include eggs, fish, lean meats, legumes, and beans in your diet. These protein-rich foods induce a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating and further irritation. Opt for chicken in simple preparations or as broth-based soups for stomach soothing.
  5. Beverages: Prioritize water, water-based drinks, and non-dairy options like almond milk to manage gastritis symptoms. While it’s generally many dietitians advised to avoid milk tea, peppermint, ginger, and turmeric tea may effectively ease gastritis discomfort.

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Which Foods Are To Be Avoided For Gastritis?

While suffering from any problem, what is important is to know what is right for you and what is not. Similarly, these are gastritis foods to avoid, and you should know which foods not to add to your diet.

  • Acidic foods like tomatoes and some fruits
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Coffee
  • Fatty foods
  • Fried foods
  • Fruit juices
  • Pickled foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Tea

Diagnosis Of Gastric Problems

To know any health problem, certain tests have to be done to diagnose the cause and so do gastritis problems. 

1. Upper Endoscopy: This test is also, called esophagogastroduodenoscopy or OGD in which your esophagus, small part of the intestine, and stomach are examined. The doctor puts an endoscope which is a thin and flexible tube in your mouth and proceeds through the throat into the food pipe, intestines, and stomach.

Further, there is a camera placed at the end of the tube which enables the view of the stomach and intestine thoroughly.

2. Blood Tests

To diagnose other diseases, causes, and symptoms, doctors also do blood tests. However, doctors may recommend Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) to look for the bacterium that usually is the cause of gastric problems.

3. Stool Test Or Fecal Occult Blood Test 

A stool culture checks if there are any bacteria present in the digestive tract that may cause gastritis problems. However, once the doctor diagnoses the cause and the stage, the procedure of treatment starts.

Best Cooking Method For Gastritis

Ease gastritis symptoms with smart cooking choices. Opt for gentle methods that soothe the stomach. Here’s a guide to the best cooking techniques for those dealing with gastritis.

  1. Steaming: Preserve nutrients and promote easy digestion by steaming vegetables, fish, and poultry.
  2. Boiling: Cook grains and lean proteins with minimal added fats for a stomach-friendly option.
  3. Grilling: Use lean meats and vegetables on the grill, avoiding excessive oil.
  4. Baking: Prepare dishes like chicken or fish with minimal seasoning to maintain simplicity and aid digestion.
  5. Poaching: Gently cook proteins in simmering liquid, retaining tenderness without added fats.
  6. Blanching: Briefly cook vegetables in boiling water, reducing their natural acidity.
  7. Avoid Deep Frying: Minimize fried and greasy foods to prevent irritation to the digestive system.
  8. Limit Spices: Opt for mild herbs and spices to add flavor without causing stomach discomfort.

So, if you want to avoid stomach irritation, it’s best to use low-fat cooking methods such as baking, boiling, poaching, and steaming. Deep-fat frying is not recommended, and even pan-frying and air-frying should be avoided as they can expose you to unnecessary fat.

Gastritis Treatment And Tips To Consider

If you’re diagnosed with gastritis, your doctor may:

  1. Prescribe Antibiotics: If H. pylori is the cause, antibiotics may be prescribed to address the infection.
  2. Over-the-counter Medications: For symptom relief, your doctor might recommend over-the-counter medications, such as antacids.
  3. Advise Dietary And Lifestyle Changes: To manage gastritis, your doctor may suggest appropriate changes in your diet and lifestyle, such, as quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol consumption, managing stress, avoiding spicy food, etc. 

Below are the tips mentioned for you, which will help you control gastritis problems.

  • Make sure, you drink plenty of water which also includes lemon. Drinking a glass of cold milk, buttermilk, and mint juice also helps.
  • Also, drinking chamomile tea, fennel water, or ginger tea helps prevent bloating and gastritis.
  • Add whole grain foods, vegetables, and fruits to your diet making your meals healthy.
  • Most importantly, avoid junk food, and fried food in your gastritis diet. Make sure to substitute your unhealthy meals with healthy ones.
  • Moreover, eat proper 8 meals instead of skipping and eating one meal in a big quantity.

A Word From Fitelo

Many experts have directly connected diet to gastritis because many individuals discover relief by avoiding specific foods and drinks. Making changes in lifestyle and diet can help reduce symptoms and stop gastritis from getting worse. 

Eating healthy foods and avoiding triggers like fatty or acidic items can reduce inflammation and pain, providing relief from gastritis symptoms. A personalized gastritis diet ensures you get the right nutrition for your needs. 

If symptoms are severe for more than a month, see a doctor right away to prevent potential complications from untreated gastritis. 

However, when preparing a diet plan for gastritis, it is suggested to consult certified dietitians or you can contact Fitelo experts as well. Also, seeking medical help is important for anyone with a gastritis condition, as untreated cases may become prolonged and result in complications.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Okay To Eat Yogurt On A Gastritis Diet?

Yes, yogurt is good for this diet plan. However, is one of the vitamin B-12-rich foods, and is also, a good choice to have during gastritis.

Which Liquids Are Best To Add To This Diet?

Water, herbal tea, non-dairy milk, low sugar, and low-acid beverages are, however, the best beverages to drink during gastritis problems.

Do Eggs Help Gastritis?

Yes, you can eat eggs if suffering from gastritis. Food items such as eggs, lean meats, poultry (chicken and turkey), fish, beans, and nuts are known to be rich in protein. Thus, these food items help repair the damaged stomach.

Which Fruits Are Good For Gastritis?

In gastritis, you can eat fruits like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or citrus fruits that will enable the growth of H. pylori.

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We’re never leaving you hanging with doubts, queries, as well as confusing questions. We understand how all this information gets overwhelming as well as a little confusing on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Hence, you can always contact us at any time as our experts are here to guide you 24/7. Also, we will help you achieve your weight loss goals.


This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.

3 Thoughts on Gastritis Diet For 7 Days And Tips To Reduce Acidity
    Gwyn Calhoun
    15 May 2023

    Is butter OK on the gastritis diet?

      17 May 2023

      You should avoid butter in gastritis die

    prince adu
    24 Jun 2023

    please am suffering from severe gastritis i dont know what to do

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