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Updated On Feb 2024
Updated On Feb 2024

10 Amazing Rapeseed Oil Benefits For Overall Health

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Rapeseed Oil Benefits

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Tanusha Kumari

Tanusha is pursuing her graduation in psychology from IGNOU and has a diploma in hotel management specializing in culinary arts from NIPS, Ranchi.

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Varleen Kaur

Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.

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Rapeseed is a bright-yellow flowering plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, and mustard. Scientifically, it is known as Brassica napus, and it is mainly cultivated for its rapeseed oil benefits.

Rapeseed oil is the third most consumed cooking oil in the world. The flowers become pods that contain small, round seeds. These seeds are the primary source of oil, which is extracted through crushing and processing.

In this blog, we have a closer look at the benefits of rapeseed oil and also find ways to include it in daily life to extract its maximum benefits.

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What Is Rapeseed Oil?

Rapeseed oil comes from the seeds of the rapeseed plant and is primarily grown in temperate climates. There are two main types of rapeseed oil:

  • Canola Rapeseed Oil: This type is selectively bred to produce seeds low in erucic acid and glucosinolates, making it suitable for human consumption. Canola oil has gained popularity for its mild and natural flavor.
  • Traditional Rapeseed Oil: It retains a higher level of erucic acid compared to canola, making it less suitable for direct human consumption in large quantities. However, it is still used for cooking purposes, particularly in regions where it is grown.

The oil extraction process is a crucial step in utilizing the rapeseed oil benefits. The process typically involves harvesting, cleaning, drying, crushing, extraction, and refinement. 

The seeds are harvested when they reach maturity, typically in late summer. After harvesting, the seeds undergo a cleaning process to remove impurities. They are then dried to achieve favorable moisture levels. 

The clean and dry seeds are mechanically crushed to release the oil they contain. Then the crushed seeds undergo a pressing or solvent extraction process to extract the oil. Finally, the extracted oil undergoes a refining process to remove impurities and achieve the best quality and purity.

This result is an edible oil with a mild flavor and a high smoke point, making it suitable for various cooking applications.

Nutritional Profile Of Rapeseed Oil

Is rapeseed oil good for health? The nutritional content of rapeseed oil answers it well. The values can vary slightly depending on processing methods and the specific variety of rapeseed. 

However, here is a general estimation of the nutritional value of 100 grams of rapeseed oil:

  • Calories: 884 kcal
  • Total Fat: 100 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 6 grams
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 62 grams
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 32 grams
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: 9 grams
  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids: 23 grams
  • Vitamin E: 17 milligrams (85% of the Daily Value)
  • No Cholesterol or Sodium

10 Amazing Rapeseed Oil Benefits

Rapeseed oil is known for its unique nutritional profile and offers several health benefits when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Here are some of the notable health advantages associated with rapeseed oil:

10 Amazing Benefits Of Rapeseed Oil

1. Rich Source Of Energy

  • It is a concentrated source of fats, which are dense and efficient sources of energy. A 100 gm of rapeseed oil contains 100 gm of fat.
  • Fats are more dense in calories than proteins and carbohydrates. While carbohydrates and protein provide around 4 calories per gram, fat provides 9 calories per gram.

2. Improves Heart Health

  • Rapeseed oil contains a favorable ratio of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and saturated fats. This contributes to heart health by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
  • It is also rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 fatty acid. These fatty acids benefit cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessel function.

3. Reduces Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Rapeseed oil has a balanced ratio of different types of fat, which makes it a good food to reduce cholesterols. The presence of omega 3s reduces inflammation and improves blood vessel function.
  • The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of rapeseed oil reduce the risk of atherosclerosis or any chronic inflammation.
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4. Supports Immune System

  • Rapeseed oil benefits the immune system as it is a good source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which help in a better immune system.
  • Rapeseed oil also contains phytosterols, which have potential immunomodulatory effects, which means they help regulate the immune response.

5. Prevents Certain Diseases

  • The presence of vitamin E, fats, and omega-3 fatty acids, particularly ALA, helps reduce inflammation in the body. The essential fatty acids support overall health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • The phytosterols in rapeseed oil have been studied for their anti-cancer properties. Moreover, this omega 3 rich food potentially reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disease.

6. Potentially Aids In Weight Loss

  • The balanced composition of fats contributes to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. This reduces the urge to overeat, which helps with weight loss.
  • Moreover, the presence of healthy fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids, helps you plan a healthy diet that helps you lose weight while fulfilling your fat intake. 

7. Healthy For Skin

  • The fatty acids in the oil help with skin hydration, which locks in moisture and prevents dryness. The rapeseed oil benefits for skin are mainly due to the antioxidant properties of vitamin E, which protects the skin against damage from environmental factors.
  • This vitamin E rich food promotes collagen production and helps prevent premature aging. Moreover, the presence of linoleic acid reduces any skin inflammation.

8. Promotes Brain Health

  • ALA, as an omega-3 fatty acid, plays a role in supporting cognitive function, and learning abilities. A review from the NIH, also states that the healthy fats in rapeseed oil are beneficial for brain development in kids.
  • Omega 3s are essential for the development and maintenance of the central nervous system. It also helps with better mood regulation, which has a positive impact on conditions such as depression and anxiety.

9. Nourishes Hair And Scalp

  • The fatty acids in rapeseed oil provide nourishment to the scalp and hair when applied to the scalp. Regular use of this oil prevents hair breakage by making the hair shaft stronger.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of rapeseed oil help soothe irritated scalps and reduce inflammation along with dandruff.

10. Cooking Benefits

  • Rapeseed oil is suitable for various cooking methods because of its high smoke point. You can use it for frying and sautéing without the risk of producing harmful compounds.
  • Its mild and neutral flavor allows it to complement a wide range of dishes without overpowering the natural taste of ingredients.

How To Incorporate Rapeseed Oil Benefits Into Our Diet?

Unlocking the benefits of rapeseed oil involves including it in your daily cooking and wellness routine. Here are various ways to use rapeseed oil and reap its health and cooking advantages:

1. Cooking And Frying: Utilize rapeseed oil for high-heat cooking methods such as frying, sautéing, and stir-frying. Its high smoke point helps prevent the production of harmful compounds and allows for overall cooking applications.

2. Salad Dressings And Marinades: Drizzle rapeseed oil over salads as a flavorful and nutritious alternative to other oils. Use it as a base for homemade salad dressings and marinades to infuse dishes with its mild and nutty taste.

3. Baking And Roasting: You can use rapeseed oil in baking recipes for a lighter option. It can also be brushed on vegetables or meats before roasting to enhance flavors.

4. Dipping Oil: Create a simple yet delicious dipping oil by combining rapeseed oil with herbs, spices, or balsamic vinegar. This makes an excellent accompaniment for artisan bread or vegetables.

5. Application For Skin And Hair: The vitamin E in rapeseed oil moisturizes and nourishes your skin, so apply it to your skin. Moreover, you can massage a small amount of rapeseed oil into your scalp and hair to provide hydration and promote shine.

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As we draw the curtains on rapeseed oil benefits, it’s evident that this simple oil has gone beyond its cooking role to become a basis for total well-being.

Rapeseed oil appears as a useful and health-conscious choice for those seeking a golden touch in their kitchen and lifestyle. It is because of benefits that range from the heart-boosting composition of omega-3 fatty acids to the skin-nourishing flow of vitamin E.

Its nutritional profile is a balanced blend of fats and a variety of antioxidants. It is more than just a cooking ingredient; it’s a food companion that elevates both flavor and health. So add it to your diet to include its amazing benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Rapeseed Oil The Same As Canola Oil?

Yes, canola oil is a type of rapeseed oil. The term “canola” is used for a specific cultivar of rapeseed that is bred to make rapeseed oil safe for consumption.

Is Rapeseed Oil Healthier Than Olive Oil?

Rapeseed oil is lower in saturated fat and higher in omega-3 fatty acids than olive oil, contributing to a more favorable balance of fatty acids for heart health.

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This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The most important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor or dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.

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