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Updated On May 2024
Updated On May 2024

Keerai Kootu: A Simple Yet Satisfying Lunch For Weight Loss

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Keerai Kootu

Written By

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Snehil Sharma

Snehil Sharma is a skilled content composer who uses words to create captivating and informational narratives.

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Reviewed By

Varleen Kaur

Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.

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Total Time

30 Minutes

  • Moong Dal- 1 Cup
  • Turmeric- ½ teaspoon
  • Cooking Oil- 1 Tablespoon (spray)
  • Water- As per the consistency
  • Coconut- ½ (grated)
  • Cumin- 1 teaspoon (jeera)
  • Pepper- ½ teaspoon
  • Dried Chili- 3
  • Spinach- 3 Cup or Handful (boiled)
  • Garlic Cloves – 3-4 (chopped)
  • Salt- As per the Taste
  • Mustard Seeds – 1 Teaspoon
  • Urad Dal- 1 Teaspoon
  • Hing (asafoetida)- A pinch
  • Keerai kootu is a famous recipe from Tamilnadu. This delicious and healthy moong dal spinach gravy is paired with rice or roti. In Tamil, Kootu means a mix of things but here regarding food, this means a combination of vegetables and lentils. In this recipe, you can use any lentils such as chana dal, moong dal, etc. So, let’s learn how to make this delicious and nutritious lentil at home that fits well in your weight loss plans.

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    How To Prepare Keerai Kootu

    • Firstly, in a pressure cooker cook, add 1 cup of moong dal along with turmeric, 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 cups of water
    • Secondly, pressure cook it for at least 2-3 whistles.
    • Thirdly, prepare the kootu masala paste by taking half a cup of coconut, 1 teaspoon of cumin, and pepper ½ teaspoon, also, add 3-4 of dried chili.
    • Then, blend to smooth the paste. Also, you can add water to maintain consistency. Keep aside.
    • Additionally, boil a handful of palak and add natural turmeric 1 teaspoon, of salt (as per the taste) with 3-4 garlic cloves.
    • On the other hand, in khadai add kootu masala paste and mix well. Boil for 3-7 minutes until the raw flavour of the coconut is disappeared.
    • Further, add boiled moong dal and mix well. Also, adjust the consistency by adding water if required.
    • Then, simmer it for at least 4-5 minutes until all the flavours are absorbed well.
    • Now, prepare the tempering by heating 2 teaspoons of the coconut oil and splutter 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 teaspoon of urad dal, a pinch of hing, and 1 dried red chili.
    • Lastly, slowly, pour the tempering over kootu and mix well.
    • Finally, enjoy your keerai kootu with hot steamed rice.

    Nutritional Value Of Keerai Kootu Recipe

    In one serving of Keerai Kootu:

    Total Calories148kcal
    Saturated Fat5g

    Health Benefits of Keerai Kootu

    In health advantages of keerai kootu we will consider the benefits of moong dal and spinach.

    Moong Dal

    • Chronic Diseases Risk: Green moong dal has high antioxidants as compared to other moong dal beans. Thus, these antioxidant helps to neutralize harmful radicals and prevent chronic diseases.
    • Prevent Heart Strokes: Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of green moong dal, it prevents heart stroke, thirst, and high body temperatures.


    • Prevent Cancer: It is a great source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that help in flushing out the free radicals from your body. So, these free radicals’ bodies are prone to different diseases, including cancer.
    • Reduces Blood Sugar: Spinach has high potassium which is beneficial for diabetic patients. Thus, the presence of potassium in spinach reduces the effects of sodium in the body.

    Both the ingredients in the recipe increase the fiber content in the recipe which helps to promote gut health. This makes you feel full and satisfied for a long, which can be a great addition to your diet for weight loss.

    Success Story Of Komal

    Sometimes making small lifestyle changes can seem difficult at times. today we are sharing the story of Komal from New Zealand who reached out to us regarding her health and increasing weight. So, let’s learn about her incredible story.

    Fun Facts

    Did you know which is the best fat burner? You will be surprised if we tell you it is used in your kitchen as well. Are you interested in finding out? If yes, then click here and find out the answer.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are Keerai And Spinach the Same?

    In addition to these terms, the Tamil word for greens is “keerai” and can be used to describe various greens from spinach to mustard greens. “Mulai Keerai” is used to describe amaranth at its early stages with the youngest and most tender leaves.

    Which Keerai Is Good For Babies?

    Mula keerai or siru keerai is best for babies as those are readily available and less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

    Which Keerai Is The Healthiest?

    Paruppu keerai is one of the healthiest varieties, it has cooling properties therefore it is a recommended and widely used staple during summer.

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    Contact Us Today

    We understand it is a bit tricky which diet plan will work for you and which will not, it can be complicated and confusing, hence you need to consult a professional. So, contact us today if you are looking for a customized diet plan or any diet plans, and we will help you fulfill your new year’s resolution.


    This blog post was written to help you to make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your own health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.

    Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.

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