2 min read

Updated On Mar 2024
Updated On Mar 2024

Success Story Of Komal: Incredible Weight Loss Journey – Fitelo

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success story of komal

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Snehil Sharma

Snehil Sharma is a skilled content composer who uses words to create captivating and informational narratives.

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Reviewed By

Varleen Kaur

Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.

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Losing weight or maintaining weight is an uphill battle. Not only do you have to work around a busy schedule to make time to exercise, but you also need to keep track of what to eat and how to eat. Sometimes making small lifestyle changes can seem difficult at times. But never let your spirit dampen with this thought. Based on the same thought process, today, let’s read about the incredible transformation and how we recommend she follow a diet plan for weight loss for females. This success story of Komal whose full name is ‘Komaldeep’ who lost 14 Kg in just 90 days without any workout.

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In The Success Story Of Komal Her Weight Loss Challenges

Komaldeep Kaur from New Zealand reached out to us concerned about her health and increasing weight.
In the success story of Komal, her main challenges were:

✅ No time to prepare meals

✅ Sedentary Lifestyle

Success Story Of Komal: Weight Loss Transformation Journey

Fitelo dieticians worked closely with Komaldeep and understood everything about her routine, lifestyle, and habits. Since her job kept her occupied throughout the day, she had no time for physical activities. So, Fitelo’s dietitian customized her diet plan with cheat meals accordingly and that really helped her throughout her weight loss journey. 

We understand that being a working lady she must be going through a lot of changes in her routine. When we enter into a working phase of life it is actually the time when health takes a back foot. But Komaldeep was disciplined and consistent with her ‘diet plan for weight loss for females.’

Significant Lifestyle Changes After Joining Fitelo

With the customized diet plan from Fitelo, she got amazing results. 

  • Healthy and shiny hair.
  • Increased hair growth
  • Huge Inch loss.

Success Story Of Komal: Remarkable Result

With the customized diet plan, she got impeccable results. During her weight loss journey, she has dramatically lost 14 kg in just 90 days which is a complete personality transformation. She not only lost those extra kilos but got healthy skin and regained her lost confidence too.

Fitelo team is so proud of Komaldeep for being able to manage such an incredible weight loss success story. Way to go Girl.

Eat healthily and stay healthy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Nutritional Plan for Weight Loss?

Ans: Use a low-calorie diet that consists of lean protein, good fats, and favorable carbohydrates. With Fitelo proven and effective nutritional plan increases the body’s ability to burn fat.

Q: Do I Have to Exercise to Lose Weight?

Ans: No. At Fitleo, we do not insist on our clients’ exercise. We understand our client’s needs and then accordingly suggest diet plans.

Q: Which Fats Should I Cut Back on to Lose Weight?

Ans: You should always cut saturated fats from your daily diet plan. As per the government dietary guidelines, only less than 10% of your calories should come from saturated fats.

Q: Which Carbs Should You Avoid Losing Weight?

Ans: If you want to lose your fat effectively then you should avoid carbs from processed foods.

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Which Is The Best Time To Lose Weight?

So, did you know there is a season in which weight loss becomes easier? Well, yes, this is true, and moreover, that season is already here – winter. Basically, to know why winter is the perfect time for weight loss, watch the below video by Dietitian Mac.

Fun Facts

Worrying about postpartum weight loss? Well, now you don’t have to because here is the guide to how to lose weight quickly and get look the way you used to before pregnancy. Fitelo, tells you everything essential that you should take care of, either call them tips or foods to add to your diet.

Contact Us Today

Your search for a diet program for weight loss ends here. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you in achieving your weight loss goals.


Every testimonial on the Fitelo website, app, social media, and other platforms is from our client. Moreover, they have followed our programs and diet advice given by our experts. So, read the full disclaimer.

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