2 min read

Updated On Feb 2024
Updated On Feb 2024

Healthy Almond Milk Smoothie Recipe With Berries And Chia Seeds

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Almond Milk Smoothie

Written By

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Sonali Khatu

Sonali Khatu, an IT engineer turned writer, captivates hearts with her enchanting words.

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Reviewed By

Varleen Kaur

Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.

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Cooking Time

10 Minutes

Total Time

15 Minutes

  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 medium-sized banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • Embark on a delicious journey with our Almond Milk Smoothie. A delightful blend of creamy almond milk, ripe bananas, and luscious berries. This refreshing drink not only enhances your taste buds but also brings a health boost, rich in nutrients and friendly to those with lactose intolerance. Say goodbye to dairy worries and savor the goodness of this indulgent treat, supporting your overall well-being with each nourishing sip. Cheers to a healthy delight for a balanced life!

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    How To Make A Refreshing Almond Milk Smoothie?

    Enjoy the freshness of our Almond Smoothie! Packed with wholesome ingredients, this easy recipe promises a delightful, healthy treat in just 15 minutes. Also, enjoy some of our healthy smoothies at Fitelo to have a balanced life.


    1. Ensure you have all the ingredients ready on your kitchen counter.
    2. Peel and slice the banana into smaller pieces. This makes it easier to blend.
    3. Place the sliced banana, frozen berries, chia seeds, and vanilla extract into a blender.
    4. Pour 1 cup of almond milk into the blender.
    5. If you prefer a sweeter smoothie, add 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup.
    6. Secure the blender lid and blend until the ingredients form a smooth, creamy consistency.
    7. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add a little more almond milk and blend again.
    8. For a colder and icier texture, you can add a few ice cubes and blend once more.
    9. Taste the smoothie and adjust sweetness or thickness according to your preference.
    10. Pour this smoothie into a glass and serve immediately.

    Enjoy your refreshing and healthy Almond Milk Smoothie!

    Nutritional Value Of Healthy Smoothie

    Please note that the nutritional values provided as per 1 glass serving are approximate and can vary based on specific brands and quantities of ingredients used.

    NutrientAmount per Glass
    Vitamin C15mg

    Benefits Of Almond Milk Smoothie

    This  Smoothie is a tasty, dairy-free blend filled with nutrients, heart-healthy almonds, and antioxidant-rich berries. It’s an energy-boosting, that promotes hydration, and here are a few benefits mentioned below.

    1. Rich In Nutrients: Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, providing a nutrient-dense boost to your diet.
    2. Dairy-Free And Lactose-Free: Ideal for those with lactose intolerance or a dairy-free lifestyle.
    3. Good Heart Health: Almonds contribute to heart health by providing healthy fats that support cardiovascular well-being.
    4. Antioxidant-Packed Berries: The inclusion of berries adds a powerful dose of antioxidants, supporting overall health and immunity.
    5. Bone-Friendly Calcium: Almond milk is often fortified with calcium, promoting strong and healthy bones.
    6. Natural Sweetness: The natural sugars from fruits offer a sweet flavor without the need for refined sugars, making it a healthier alternative.
    7. Fiber-Rich Chia Seeds: Chia seeds contribute to the smoothie’s fiber content, aiding digestion and providing a feeling of fullness.
    8. Energy Boost: A great option for a quick and nutritious energy boost, perfect for breakfast or a midday snack.
    9. Hydration: Almond milk contributes to overall hydration, vital for various bodily functions.
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    Quick And Healthy Smoothie

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    Frequently Answered Questions

    Which Fruit Smoothies Using Almond Milk Are Healthy For Weight Loss?

    Berry and Spinach Almond Smoothie is an excellent choice for weight loss, combining the goodness of antioxidants with the lightness of almond milk for a satisfying, low-calorie option that supports your fitness goals.

    Which Is The Best Fruit Smoothie With Almond Milk? 

    Blueberry Almond Milk Smoothie is a top choice, offering antioxidants that support brain health and overall well-being.

    Is Almond Milk Healthy To Consume?

    Yes, almond milk is a healthy option, providing a dairy-free source of calcium that supports bone health.

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    Get in touch with our expert team at Fitelo to kick-start your transformative journey! Let us guide you toward your weight loss goals and help you cultivate sustainable and healthy eating habits. So, contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with Fitelo!


    This recipe was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The vital thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Therefore, before starting, always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian if you have any concerns.

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