2 min read

Updated On Mar 2024
Updated On Mar 2024

10 Common Health Mistakes That Everyone Makes

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common health mistakes that everyone makes

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Anjali Jaiswal

Anjali is pursuing her Master in Management of Business Administration from  Amity University.

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Varleen Kaur

Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.

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Hey there, health-conscious readers! We’re all on a journey to better health, but sometimes even the best of us stumble upon common pitfalls that can impact our well-being. In this interactive blog, we’re diving into the world of common health mistakes that we’ve all been guilty of at some point. From skipping breakfast to neglecting the importance of sleep, we’re shedding light on these slip-ups and sharing tips on how to steer clear of them.

So, let’s buckle up and explore the realm of common health mistakes together while learning how to make healthier choices for a vibrant life! Ready to get started? Let’s roll!

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What Is The Most Common Health Mistake Humans Make?

You must have seen a variety of before and after transformation pictures of people on Instagram, Facebook, and even newspapers who went on weight loss journeys. The pictures look nothing short of inspiring. They motivate us to buckle up to improve our health. We only see images of their transformations. But the actual process of how they reached their ideal weight and health is hidden. 

There are people who appear or seem to be fit but suffer from some disorder or deficiency. And diseases related to the heart, renal problems, and obesity are the most common health issues groping the world. 

The pandemic has brought at least one positive change in this world. And that is- people’s shift in perspective. From focusing on building six-pack abs, then, to getting healthier. Reaching holistic health now is their fitness goal. Mentioned below are some of the most common health mistakes that even the fittest-looking people make.

1. Not Eating Breakfast

  • Imagine if you started your day without eating breakfast, it’s a bit like driving a car with almost no gas in it. At first, it might move a little, but soon it will slow down and finally stop. To get ready for the day, it’s good to have a healthy breakfast idea every morning.
  • If you don’t, it could make you more likely to get diabetes and even become overweight. This is because when your body doesn’t get enough fuel from breakfast, it starts saving extra fat to use as energy later on.
  • Eating a good breakfast has a bunch of good effects on your health too. It can make your body work better, keep your blood sugar levels steady, and help you focus better.

2. Improper Hydration

  • Water is, without a doubt, an essential part of our lives. We have always heard that an adult body comprises 75% water. But, in actuality, the adult male body is 58% water, while the female body is 50% water. Moreover, this percentage is not constant. It keeps on decreasing with age.
  • We are often warned, that if we drink a lot of water, the toxins present inside our bodies will flush out. But this is not correct. If you drink water in excess, it will just pass through your urine. There is no removal of toxins.
  • But there is one case that is possible if you drink excess water. And that is – Overhydration or Water Intoxication. Drinking too much water leads to a loss of sodium from the body. This causes swelling up of the cells as water enters into them. As a result, there is damage to the proper functioning of the kidney and the brain. If the water contains too much chlorine, the person may experience a chlorine overdose

3. Not Enough Sleep

  • Not getting enough sleep, even just a little, can make you feel grumpy and not able to pay attention the next day. But if this keeps happening for a long time, it could lead to even bigger problems like memory issues, heart troubles, diabetes, and gaining too much weight.
  • It could also mess up your body’s defenses, make you feel really sad or worried, and even cause ongoing pain. Grown-ups should aim for about 7-9 hours of sleep every night, while kids and teens need even more than that. If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor.
  • They can help you find ways to feel better, which might mean changing some things in your life, trying out medicine, talking to someone about your feelings, or doing a bit of everything.

4. Using Your Phone Just Before Bed

  • We often enjoy using our phones and other gadgets. However, using them before bedtime can make it tough for your brain and body to wind down. These devices also emit a type of light that’s kind of like sunlight.
  • Too much of this light during the night can make your body think it’s still daytime and stop the sleepy hormones like melatonin from coming out. If you find it hard to avoid using your phone in bed, think about keeping it away in another room. You could get a traditional alarm clock to wake you up instead.

5. Silently Worrying

  • Sometimes, a little bit of stress can actually help keep you safe and aware, like when you need to be careful. But if you keep worrying too much, it can make your health worse. You might end up with things like higher blood pressure, headaches, not being able to sleep well, and even pains in your chest.
  • It’s okay to worry if you’re about to do something important, like giving a talk to your boss. But if you’re getting upset over small things, it’s a good idea to do something about it.
  • If there’s something bothering you, ask yourself a couple of questions: Will I still be bothered by this in a few weeks? Can I easily find a way to solve this? If you still feel worried, then try to face the problem directly until you can fix it.

6. Too Much Protein

  • The world is hungry for protein, especially the gym freaks who rely on protein supplements for their dietary requirements. The trainers and fitness gurus of today are constantly pushing us towards protein to maintain good health.
  • Supermarkets are brimming with protein shakes, protein bars, protein powders, and everything protein. To an extent, protein is good as it helps build muscle and repair damaged tissues. But, nowadays it is an over-exploited commodity. Health-conscious people are becoming dependent on synthetic proteins and supplements at an alarming rate.
  • Synthetic protein can have serious negative effects on health. These supplements are addictive. So, when a person starts consuming them regularly, he misses out on all the minerals, vitamins, and fiber that he could have gained from natural protein sources.

7. Relying On Supplements

  • The function of supplements is to fulfill the deficiency of a particular vitamin/ mineral. Sounds fair. But, supplements are not true vitamins or minerals. They only mimic the structure and function of the real ones. So, our body’s response to a natural mineral is very different from its response to supplements. The absorption rate of minerals and vitamins is more when derived from natural sources.
  • Relying on supplements for a prolonged time can have serious repercussions. For instance, we know that increased calcium intake is linked with a reduction in the risk of heart disease. Recent studies have shown that when the source of calcium is a supplement, consuming it for long periods can, in fact, increase the risk of heart disease. It can also have adverse effects on the liver.
  • Certain minerals do not go well when consumed together. Calcium might hinder the absorption of iron when a person consumes both of them together. In general, people do not know this. They wrongly combine multivitamins and consume them. This does more harm than good to their bodies.
  • There are a total of 40 essential nutrients that our body requires for optimum functioning. We know only a handful of them. So, fulfilling the body’s health needs becomes difficult by just supplementing. For example- choline got added to the list of essential nutrients in 1998. Before that, it might not have been considered as important for the body as today.

8. Obsession With Low-Fat Snacks

  • Today, snacking has become as important as meals. Smart marketers and business minds try to lure customers into buying processed snacks. They mask these products as healthy under the terms – low fat, high fiber, zero fat, etc.
  • Most of us get fooled after seeing that it is endorsed by a big celebrity or sold by an established brand. So, if you find yourself getting attracted to a product through its cute packaging or engaging ads, stop right there! Flip the package and start reading the nutrition label and ingredients mentioned.
  • You will see that all these so-called health and fitness foods like brown bread, whole wheat cookies, low-fat sauces, and spreads provide just empty calories. No-sugar diet and drinks are in fact worse than their sugar versions.

9. Extreme Workout

  • People are passionate about fitness and try to keep themselves healthy. They do so by indulging in workout routines, exercise, and yoga. But, many are unable to differentiate between over-exercising and adequate workouts. People forget that they are humans.
  • Thus, if they over-exert their bodies they will lose muscle and not fat. Over-exercising also leads to the building up of stress, both in the mind and body. Moreover, a tired body develops deficiencies, and nutrient absorption is also affected. 

10. Calorie Counting

  • ‘To gain weight, go on a calorie surplus diet. Oh! so you want to lose some kilos? Then a calorie-deficit diet is the one for you.’- This is the most common health mistake people make. Keeping a count of each calorie you consume is neither healthy nor is it feasible.
  • This calorie-counting concept is being promoted by fitness apps and celebrities alike. Keeping a watch over your calorie consumption s good. But focusing too much on calories is a toxic trap. 
  • Today’s diet culture promotes a mindless reduction in calories. Fitness gurus ask a person having some deficiency or health condition to go on a calorie-deficit diet. Going into an extreme calorie deficit will only aggravate the already present health condition.
  • The body’s metabolism is rendered completely broken after following such an extreme diet. The focus, instead, should be on consuming nutritious food. After all, nutrition is not just about counting calories. It is about taking both micro and macronutrients adequately to support good health.

A Path To Healthier Choices: Escaping Common Mistakes

Avoiding common health mistakes requires awareness and commitment to making positive changes in your lifestyle. Here’s a guide on how to steer clear of these pitfalls:

1. Prioritize Sleep:

  • Set a consistent schedule for the best time to sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoiding screens before bed to promote better sleep quality.

2. Embrace Nutrient-Rich Eating:

  • Choose a variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive unhealthy fats.

3. Stay Hydrated:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day.
  • Consume water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated.

4. Engage In Regular Physical Activity:

  • Find enjoyable exercises to stay active, aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity weekly.
  • Incorporate both cardiovascular workouts and strength training for overall fitness.

5. Manage Stress Effectively:

  • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga.
  • Engage in hobbies, spend time in nature, or connect with loved ones to reduce stress.

6. Mindful Eating:

  • Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, eat slowly, and savor your meals.
  • Avoid eating in front of screens, allowing yourself to fully enjoy your food.

7. Prioritize Mental Health:

  • Seek professional help if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns.
  • Practice self-care by engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

8. Regular Check-ups And Screenings:

  • Schedule routine check-ups with your healthcare provider to catch potential health issues early.
  • Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and recommended screenings.

9. Limit Screen Time Before Bed:

  • Create a technology-free zone at least an hour before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
  • Engage in calming activities like reading or taking a warm bath instead.

10. Build Positive Relationships:

  • Surround yourself with supportive and positive individuals who contribute to your well-being.
  • Nurture healthy relationships that provide emotional support and connection.

11. Protect Yourself From The Sun:

  • Wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and protective clothing when outdoors.
  • Seek shade during peak sun hours to reduce UV exposure and add in your diet vitamin D-rich food.

12. Avoid Harmful Substances:

  • Limit alcohol consumption and avoid smoking or tobacco products altogether.
  • Seek help if you’re struggling with substance abuse.

13. Practice Good Hygiene:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially before eating or touching your face.
  • Maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily.

14. Stay Informed And Adaptable:

  • Keep learning about health and wellness from reliable sources.
  • Be open to adjusting your habits as new information becomes available.

By taking these proactive steps and making gradual changes, you can effectively avoid common health mistakes and pave the way for a healthier and more vibrant life. Remember that small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.


By being aware of these common health mistakes and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can make positive changes to your lifestyle and well-being. Prioritize sleep, nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and preventive care to create a foundation for a healthier and happier life. Remember that small changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and quality of life.

Most of our thoughts in today’s world are influenced by social media. But, trends come and go. So, try being a mindful consumer. It is you who eventually has to take care of your body. So, stop following facts blindly. We suggest you start reading the nutrition labels of the snacks you buy. Stick to your basic health routine and focus on a holistic health approach. You are sure to lead a healthy and healthy lifestyle.

How Can Junk Food Cravings Be Halted?

It can be challenging to resist the delicious cuisine, but ultimately, maintaining your health is necessary. So, Dietitian Mac will explain how to curb your urges and change your eating habits for the better.

Marium’s Inspiring 22 Kg Weight Loss Journey In 6 Months!

Witness Marium’s incredible transformation as she sheds 22 kgs in just six months with the guidance of Fitelo. Her inspiring journey from unhappiness to improved health and confidence serves as a powerful reminder that determination and proper support can lead to remarkable weight loss results.

Fun Fact

Surprisingly, dark chocolate with over 85% cocoa content contains more iron than spinach, making it a delightful treat for both chocolate lovers and those seeking to boost their iron intake. Thus enjoy a square for a tasty and nutritious bite of dark chocolate!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Most Common Health Mistakes Humans Make?

Skipping breakfast emerges as a prevalent health mistake. This practice deprives the body of essential nutrients and energy needed for optimal functioning, resulting in energy dips and potential metabolic disruption. Prioritizing a balanced morning meal can mitigate this issue.

What Are Common Health Mistakes We Do In The Weight Loss Journey?

Common mistakes in weight loss journeys include extreme dieting, which often leads to unsustainable outcomes and potential nutrient deficiencies. Additionally, expecting quick fixes instead of adopting gradual, sustainable changes can hinder progress and lead to frustration.

What Should I Avoid For Effective Weight Loss?

To achieve effective weight loss, avoid extreme diets that drastically restrict caloric intake or Things to avoid for weight loss. These approaches are often unsustainable and can lead to nutrient imbalances. Also, steer clear of quick-fix solutions that promise rapid results, as they rarely lead to lasting changes. Instead, focus on balanced eating and gradual lifestyle adjustments.

What Are Common Health Mistakes We Do On A Daily Basis?

A common daily health mistake is neglecting hydration. Inadequate water intake can lead to reduced cognitive function, energy levels, and even headaches. Making a conscious effort to stay hydrated can have a positive impact on overall well-being.

What Is A Common Mistake That We All Make Regarding Our Health?

A shared mistake involves underestimating the value of preventive care and regular check-ups. Waiting for symptoms to manifest before seeking medical attention can result in missed opportunities for early detection and intervention, which are crucial for maintaining good health.

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Contact Us Today

Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals.


This blog post was written to help you to make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your own health before starting a diet that is restrictive. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.

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